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Getting mixed signals. Is she flirting or just being a good friend?

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Ok so the girl I think might like me is a co-worker of mine, and before whenever I used to pass by her we kinda just don't say anything. And yesterday I walked up to another friend of mine and they're talking and all the sudden she says what's up to me. I say what's up and we joke around or whatever, she's pretty cool. & I really didn't think anything of it, but then I passed by her again and she threw a joke at me and we laughed or whatever, then I passed her again and I catch her trying not to look at me, and I can tell she wants to. So I look over and she smiles more and I smile back. But that time it didn't feel like a regular "hey what's up." And she was a good distance away when this happened AND she was already in a conversation with somebody. Then for the rest of the day, every time I pass her she keeps smiling at me and tries to talk to me.


Then today I see her at the store on her day off with her little brothers, and I'm working away and she walks towards to me to talk, but she talks about work and stuff. I would love to get to know her cause she seems like a really chill person, but I just can't tell if she likes me as a friend or what.


The part that is tough to read is she friendly to a lot of people in general. I can usually read girls pretty well but she's tough because the signals are going back and forth. Plus she's pretty out-going in general and comfortable around pretty much anyone so it's hard to determine what her give-aways are.

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Yes, she likes you.


What part of this is anything other than positive signals from her?


That being said, fishing off the company pier can be risky.


If you do proceed, after work drinks would be the easiest next step. Either just you two; or if you are feeling less bold, you can make it a group happy hour with mutual friend.

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thanks, I have a odd feeling she really likes me, but I could be way off. I'm going to play it out a little bit and see what happens. If at nothing else I think we'll become good friends because I'm already really comfortable around her (when I see her at least)


The weird part is she's not really the type to get nervous or have nervous habits so it's hard to tell. She always acts really interested when talking to me. Maybe I'll just try and throw her an innocent flirt and see how she reacts lol.

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