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My boyrfriend and I had a misunderstanding and it seems like this was the very first time he didnt talk to me for the whole day and night. I emailed him and all, saying sorry to what i said, no messages back from him, then I even email him saying "I do want to work things out with you, but I understand this time it'll all be your decision. If ur not happy anymore with me I understand, just tell me the truth."


After a day, this morning he messages me on yahoo, just saying "I love you <3", then I replied back saying the same, then he said "We can talk tonight", I felt happy when he message, but got scared when he said we can talk tonight.... Is he just saying I love you and he need to tell me some things tonight??


Any advice would be appreciated.


Thank You.

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No-one can tell you what's on his mind, but he said he loves you, so I doubt there's anything to worry about.

Good luck!



My boyrfriend and I had a misunderstanding and it seems like this was the very first time he didnt talk to me for the whole day and night. I emailed him and all, saying sorry to what i said, no messages back from him, then I even email him saying "I do want to work things out with you, but I understand this time it'll all be your decision. If ur not happy anymore with me I understand, just tell me the truth."


After a day, this morning he messages me on yahoo, just saying "I love you <3", then I replied back saying the same, then he said "We can talk tonight", I felt happy when he message, but got scared when he said we can talk tonight.... Is he just saying I love you and he need to tell me some things tonight??


Any advice would be appreciated.


Thank You.

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I really wouldn't worry about it. He's trying to make you feel worried/insecure by being distant. It's a tactic I used when I was younger and dumber. Take it as a sign that he likes you... Just be careful, don't get too clingy. You sound a little clingy.

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