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How do you get out of a bonafide slump?

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Lately, it seems everything I'm doing is wrong, and hurting others around me. This is eye opening because I have always felt like I'm a super nice guy, but lately, it seems everything I am just messing up on.


Mistake 1: about 3 weeks ago I texted something to my bro and his GF read it and kinda turned it into a big ole mess. They are fine now, but at the time it was hell fire and brimstone.


Mistake 2: lost a friend who I thought I was pretty close to. Had a crush on her and just took things too intensely. Seemingly have scared her off, without so much as an explanation. This one still stings, although it's been about a week now and slowly but surely the healing is taking place


Mistake 3: Just last night, I texted my friend and accidentally ruined her 30th bday surprise theme... I mentioned I lacked ____ threads... I forgot to read her evite thoroughly. Now her sister is upset with me (never met her sister before) and she said "You suck!" She did follow it up with "haha" but right now, I'm in a pretty sensitive and beat up place in my heart. Every negative word or phrase, even jokingly, hurts.


I am throwing my hands up in the air here and asking God what is going on with me? I'm in a slump right now, and just can't seem to do anything right. Just one month ago, I felt I was rolling too. It's funny how things can switch on a dime.


What's the key to getting out of a slump?


I just feel icky about myself and life right now. Everything I'm touching lately seems to just blow up in my face. I'm even questioning my self-worth right now... I've been (unintentionally) hurting people or letting people down or making dumb mistakes in the last 3 weeks or so.


Dunno what's going on. Help?!

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You just gotta ride it out unfortunately. Sometimes we worry about those we upset, I do it too. I hated people being angry or upset with me and felt I did everything wrong. We dwell on it and then forget the things that everybody loves about us.


You just have to accept your wrongs and keep going, tough though it may be. I would try to find something different in your life if you feel that you're in a slump or rut because of circumstances - a new hobby or something would do wonders. Maybe a change of scenery for a bit to regenerate you. And remember that we all f*ck up sometimes, and you can't get bogged down in what people think about your f*ck-ups. Most of them are probably marinading on f*ck-ups of their own! :laugh:


Chin up man. Listen to some music, go for a drive some day and find something new.

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It might not be exactly what you want to hear, but the only person who can get you out of your slump is yourself.


I'm feeling you though dude, I'm going through the same sort of thing myself, but I've realized that at the end of the day, I'm the only one responsible for my actions.


There is a good quote my team leader sent out to us at work the other day, "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing”, in other words, learn from these mistakes you've made and try not to make them again in future. It can be really hard to not dwell on the things you've done to upset others in the past, but you can't beat yourself up about it too much, that is how you fall in to depression, drinking/drug abuse and all that sort of stuff.


Take comfort in knowing that you can acknowledge this slump you're in, and take positive action to rectify it.

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