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Cyber sex

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It's cheating in my book.

Unless you have an agreement with your partner - like, she is okay with it and she can do it too.

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It's fantasy. Much like porn, I suppose. I don't really see much wrong with it as long as everyone is informed, OK with it (as Adunaphel mentions) & aware that it is not gonig to go beyond fantasy.

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I disagree completely. If you're interacting with another human, it's no longer fantasy. It's real and it is cheating. People fall in love online. You don't understand until you're into it how relating across these wires can become intensely personal.


I absolutely believe that you should not share your orgasms with other live humans online if you are in a relationship. It's one thing to watch porn; you are not interacting with the actors. But to actually make a connection to another person on an intimate level - even online - is a whole other order of communication and an absolute no where it concerns a married or 'committed' person.

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Doesn't it seem logical that if you start to fantasize/think about having sex with someone other than your spouse and then starting talking about having sex with someone else that someday you will likely HAVE sex with someone else?


I guess I find it hard to believe that cybersex can be completely satisfying in and of itself, it seems more like a prelude to what has yet to come (figuratively speaking, of course). :)

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I don't really see much wrong with it as long as everyone is informed, OK with it (as Adunaphel mentions) & aware that it is not gonig to go beyond fantasy.


As I said above. I'm not going to judge someone elses sexual behaviour if they are honest about it & all partners are OK with it. The poster has not mentioned what their feelings are on this matter.

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The problem is that people who fully intend to do things like this without 'getting involved' end up getting involved. It's the same thing with people who attempt to be 'just friends' with someone of the opposite gender while married. They fully intend to keep it friends, but emotions and sexual drive will take over and will override those good intentions.


If you've read any of the infidelity stories, you'll see what a large percentage of them start out 'I never expected...' that's because people still believe the myth that they are in full control of their feelings. They aren't.


So what I'm saying is that no matter what the cybersexer intends, and no matter how truthful s/he is, emotions and passion will intervene and, all too often, result in destroying the primary relationship. Doing this stuff is playing with fire. Is actually sitting soaked in gasoline and striking matches. Bad stuff might not happen, but the far greater likelihood is that it will.

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Do you think its right for a married man to cyber sex with another married women ??


No, I don't think it's right for a married man to cyber with any woman other than his wife, whether the other woman is married or not.

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This is REALLY STUPID. Really it is. Maybe women shouldn't read Romance novels cause their mind connects with the female character having sex with the male character. It's similar to porn, the guy is jacking off to it and getting turned on by it. Do you consider it cheating, you insecure women and men?

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Originally posted by DJ_Dork

This is REALLY STUPID. Really it is. Maybe women shouldn't read Romance novels cause their mind connects with the female character having sex with the male character. It's similar to porn, the guy is jacking off to it and getting turned on by it. Do you consider it cheating, you insecure women and men?


Cyber sex is to porn




going on dates with other guys, allowing them to court you, to take you out for a nice dinner, to send you flowers and to give you presents, exchanging sweet words with them, all of this without having physical contact with them


is to romance novel.


Hey, _you_ mentioned romance novels. :bunny:



So basically you'd be okay with your gf having cyber sex with other guys?

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Originally posted by DJ_Dork

This is REALLY STUPID. Really it is. Maybe women shouldn't read Romance novels cause their mind connects with the female character having sex with the male character. It's similar to porn, the guy is jacking off to it and getting turned on by it. Do you consider it cheating, you insecure women and men?


I'm with you -- I consider it harmless fun.. maybe I'm the bad one for thinking that.

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I think cybering with someone who is in a relationship with someone (or while you're in one) is wrong. I don't really think porn is that bad, because you're not connecting with a person one on one like you would be in cyber sex. I agree that romance novels are vaguely similar to porn (without the naked people), so I don't think reading them is qualified as cheating either.

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The human mind is a funny thing. It can convince you to do all sorts of things. Like walking on heated metal and sleeping on nails. And you say that you're strong enough to master it, just like that? Don't make me laugh.


I cannot imagine any sane woman to be okey with it. Maybe you could pull it off and have only the fun part. But, guys, didn't you ever hear this one before: "You can't always win and you can't always loose"? Think about it. If it's just fun, why the hell risk your relationship for it?


It just doesn't make sense to me.

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Having intimate moments online with someone while stroking your penis and heaving in tremendous orgasms while your wife at 2 am is sleeping soundly in the other room is **Whorish** in my opinion....Why do I say this ?


My bf was masterbating with local women unbeknownst to me at the time. The real dirty deed came when he went into our bedroom and slid in the bed with a HUGE erection and wanted me to take care of it. Needless to saY I was disgusted and finally figured out what he was doing....They say women are whores but the bf took the cake for skankiness...


Now why does a man come off the computer fresh at 3 am with a hard on and want me to finish off what some online slut did to him ?


This is emotional cheating BECAUSE in order for him to have gotten the girl on line to stroke her own clitoris he had to have told her UNTRUE things such as "Yea my gf is a lazy, fat, cold, frigid, bitch and I need you to help me get my ertotic rocks off while she is asleep.


Untrue !


I weigh 125 pounds and look dam good and gave him loving sex every day....So go figure when he minimizes the screen when I walked in.


Go figure that he is taking a precious part of us and giving it emotionally and sexually to someone else That is CHEATING...he is just doing it in a cyber-ly Way !....

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As long as all parties involved are clued in the it should be okay. Cyber sex is like porn really. If things become real, then again all parties need to be informed. What's the difference with a wife wanting to have fun with another woman if the husband knows whether it's cyber or real? It just depends on the couples.

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