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Christian dating an Atheist?

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I remember when I was really young in Sunday school one of the teachers said that Catholics go to hell because they don't pray to God/Jesus they pray to Virgin Mary. I was so scared becaucmy best friend was Catholic. That seems stupi to me because like if you believe in God or are a good person you should go to heaven. I can't see how someone who is a good person and done so much good stuff for others can go to hell because they don't believe in God. Idk it is just a lot of rules in religion


Sweetie, this isn't true. According to the Bible, the ONLY condition for salvation is to believe that Jesus is God, died for your sins and to accept the free gift of salvation etc.. All of the rest are doctrinal issues.



John 3:16


New International Version (NIV)


16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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Makes you wonder, no? It is almost as if the church is an instititution of men and women, fallen and imperfect, trying to wield influence over Earthly matters that are not part of the kingdom of Christ. Perhaps you should seek your answer through prayer?


*mods*. I really need a "love" botton...for real:D

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*mods*. I really need a "love" botton...for real:D


I'll tell you what, just remember that not all atheists are militant jerks and we'll call it even.

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I think it depends how seriously each person takes their beliefs and also if you plan to have children.


One of the main reasons I broke up with a girl last year was because she was a christian and didn't believe in evolution. When it's a basic undeniable fact that they reject, it's a deal breaker.


There were a few other issues with her, but that one counted.

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Sweetie, this isn't true. According to the Bible, the ONLY condition for salvation is to believe that Jesus is God, died for your sins and to accept the free gift of salvation etc.. All of the rest are doctrinal issues.




While you and I may believe that the thought is not universal among all Christians thus we get to the "why" of do not become yoked. While the effects may not be as immediate as what happened to Samson the fear is that like Samson to please a spouse you will break rules, doctrine if you like, and thus endanger any eventual salvation.


Since the Catholic Church is the largest and they publish a supplementary rule book so we are not talking about a single charismatic pastor I will use them for a real life example. The marriage to the non believer is approved by the Bishop and then there is the couple wanting to engage in sex but avoid pregnancy during the periods of greater danger. Will the non beliver accept putting off sex, even oral or masturbation because the spouse will be in a state of mortal sin, thus probably outside of the Book of Life? Will they want to go somewhere as a couple and not be delayed by an Holy day of obligatory mass attendance? Can they as a couple keep the little things up for a lifetime?

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I'll tell you what, just remember that not all atheists are militant jerks and we'll call it even.


Oh my, I love Atheists. Mr.S, if I've ever given the slightest impression, said anything that would insinuate otherwise, please accept my deepest/sincere apologies:)


As far as militant goes, you should see me on a bad day:eek::D

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While you and I may believe that the thought is not universal among all Christians thus we get to the "why" of do not become yoked. While the effects may not be as immediate as what happened to Samson the fear is that like Samson to please a spouse you will break rules, doctrine if you like, and thus endanger any eventual salvation.


Since the Catholic Church is the largest and they publish a supplementary rule book so we are not talking about a single charismatic pastor I will use them for a real life example. The marriage to the non believer is approved by the Bishop and then there is the couple wanting to engage in sex but avoid pregnancy during the periods of greater danger. Will the non beliver accept putting off sex, even oral or masturbation because the spouse will be in a state of mortal sin, thus probably outside of the Book of Life? Will they want to go somewhere as a couple and not be delayed by an Holy day of obligatory mass attendance? Can they as a couple keep the little things up for a lifetime?


I would certainly hope that most Catholics use common sense. The Catholic church in So Cal never taught this, ever. I had never heard this from any relatives and they're all Catholic, some married non Catholics also. I believe what you are saying though...wow


Actually Catholic tradition concerning the churches in my area didn't deviate too much from the Bible. I know of noone following these crazy rules.


I believe it is impossible for a true believer to loose their salvation. After doing an indepth study, one answer only made sense- we are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. The word "sealed" was used specifically to note the fact that back in those days, if something had a seal, that which was sealed, could not be broken.


I strongly believe that God gave believers guidelines, because He knows the condition of the heart. Like divorce for instance, God called this one out in the case of adultry because He knew the inability to forgive. I want to add, abuse is a given, although there was possibly much controversy concerning adultry.


After reading your story Taiko, I have to wonder if God did not write certain things for people like me? My nickname was hardhead- if that gives any description of certain pesonality types He must deal with.


Jesus focused on the "Last Days" a lot, so it would make sense that knowing the difficulties of them, various guidelines were set to avoid conflict, but not that all would have this sort of conflict? What do you think Taiko?

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The Catholic Church does teach those rules. The problem is the teaching style is not like the Evangelic church down the street where Pastor Ed Smith will have a four week series, with hour long teaching sermons on the issue. The Catholic is different as they have a daily Bible reading assigned by Rome and the Priest has maybe a 15 minute homily to do his teaching. The Catholic will get his instruction as a result of confessing to the Priest, and as a child getting confirmed backed up by the pre-marriage classes before the Church will approve a marriage. Yet it may be more then half of her members now who the Church considers fornicators, thus in mortal sin who still step forward for Holy Communion. Remember if a Catholic Priest baptized you in water then the Church does not consider you married unless you married in the Church or got permission from your Bishop to do otherwise.


Just as many if not most Jews do not believe in God many if not most Catholics are cultural or "Cafeteria Catholics". They do not believe the claims the Church makes for herself. Or their childhood teachers did not do an effective job getting the message over and for many marriage now comes two or three decades after their instruction, showing the need for the additional premarriage instructional seminars.

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Do you think it could work out?

I started hanging out with this guy he is 20 and I am not getting overly excited about him (that always gets me into trouble) anyways he is a nice guy, very shy and he is so funny! Only problem is he is atheist, I am Christian.. We have talked about it and he is a good person, he was raised Catholic, like really Catholic but after a friend of his committed suicide he kind of went against his religion because the church says people who commit suicide go to hell and he doesn't agree. I feel weird I mean we aren't serious so it isn't a major issue but I believe in God, he said he believes God could exist but he isn't sure. Isn't there something in the Bible about being unequally yoked or something? If I date him will I go to Hell? I just feel like he is a good guy and idk I'm confused but I know I enjoy spending time with him.


It doesn't sound like he is a severe Atheist. If either of you was really extreme in these beliefs, I could see it being an issue. However, it sounds like he is more agnostic if he says "there could be a god". An Agnostic isn't exactly the same as an Atheist as there is some belief that there could be a good, but there is just more skepticism. My husband isn't religious and neither am I (I do come from a Catholic background). We share some minor differences about The Big Bang Theory, but it hasn't affected our relationship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As long as you don't mind him burning in Hell for eternity, I don't see what the problem is.

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So how do you know who to believe? I know that's probably a really dumb question but its confusing I mean pastors and teachers (Sunday school teachers) are supposed to teach you accurate stuff you know?


That's the essence of all religious skepticism. Many christian flavors are mutually exclusive, let alone all the other religions. An indicator something is seriously wrong with religion as such. It's not a dumb question at all. You're getting closer to seeing clearly.


They can't all be right. So, assuming one of them is right, which one? Most people are doomed, according to this logic.


Why isn't anyone a follower of Zeus here? ImperfectionisBeauty, what exactly makes you submit to all this mind control? A doctrine read to you over and over again makes you question whether you should pursue a (maybe only friendly) relationship with a fellow human being? Isn't that a horrible thought?


Good luck, keep asking questions.

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Is it important to you to raise future children up as part of the Christian church?


If the answer is yes, I wouldn't even attempt a relationship with someone who doesn't feel the same way. Why buy trouble?


If the answer is no, or if you would be OK with an atheist husband teaching your children why he doesn't believe in God as well, then go for it.

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I dated a Christian girl once, Myself being a man of science or Atheist was not sure what to expect.


We talked about our difference of belief early on and never looked back. She understood that I would never attend church with her or her family and I understood and respected that she did such.


Our differing belief's were the least of our problems...The fact that she turned out to be a cheating conniving bitch was the real problem.

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I dated a Christian girl once, Myself being a man of science or Atheist was not sure what to expect.


Do you have a religious background? I noticed your signature was quoting a bible verse, I believe. I'm curious about what it means to you. :)

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Do you have a religious background? I noticed your signature was quoting a bible verse, I believe. I'm curious about what it means to you. :)


No I am afraid I have pretty much no religious background what so ever. The last person in my family that I know of who attended church regularly was my great grandmother. I was raised to be open minded and respectful of others beliefs, however my parents are in absolutely no way whatsoever religious, so naturally I followed in their scientific footsteps.


That particular quote from Revelations was merely an attraction of words to me. It has a dark sinister undertone to it which I enjoyed.


Perhaps the thing that attracted me most to that quote was hearing it recited by Actor Michael Biehn who played the sadistically intelligent outlaw cowboy Johnny Ringo in the Movie ''Tombstone''.


So I wish that I could say it has a deeper meaning to me, but it was essentially just pleasing to my ears.

Edited by MercuryMorrison1
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Perhaps the thing that attracted me most to that quote was hearing it recited by Actor Michael Biehn who played the sadistically intelligent cowboy Johnny Ringo in the Movie ''Tombstone''.


Wait till you come across the song where Johnny Cash said the same quote. That was a man who could recite a recipe for Cream Dip and make it sound profound and moving.



. The song starts with part of your quote and then ends with the full quote. Edited by TaxAHCruel
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That particular quote from Revelations was merely an attraction of words to me.


Not only the words, but the image it conjures up is really powerful (even if you don't believe in it) :). I'm so glad you posted it.

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Not only the words, but the image it conjures up is really powerful (even if you don't believe in it)


That is true of much of the Bible. And the Koran too. Especially the King James Version of the Bible.


A common theist feeling is that atheists hate the Bible and everything to do with it for example. Yet here in Ireland the association "Atheist Ireland" is promoting heavily a "Read the Bible" campaign.


Some of the text is profound, beautiful, moving and deserves a place at the top echelons of our literature. I do not even believe one can fully appreciate things like Milton or Shakespeare without a firm grounding in Biblical lore and literature. Where some atheists want to keep the Bible out of schools - I very much want to see it IN schools - but in it's proper place in English Literature class.


Just because someone recognizes the fact that there is not even a shred of evidence, argument, data or reasoning in the world that substantiates the notion there is a god - that does not leave one immune to the imagery and the power and depth of texts such as the Bible.

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Some of the text is profound, beautiful, moving and deserves a place at the top echelons of our literature. I do not even believe one can fully appreciate things like Milton or Shakespeare without a firm grounding in Biblical lore and literature. Where some atheists want to keep the Bible out of schools - I very much want to see it IN schools - but in it's proper place in English Literature class.


That would be AMAZING!!! As you say, if for nothing more than strictly educational purposes (though God has a funny way of working in people's hearts). They could offer it during PE, and I'd be happy. It's better than nothing.

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I think the OP bailed from this discussion ages ago, because I believe she's found yet another 'sweet thing' to draw her attention.

So this thread is basically redundant and boring to her.

Old hat.

Done with.


Or as moderators would suggest - Off-topic.

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But if he doesn't believe in God then what if he goes to hell, I mean I know I could easily go to hell too but I mean if he isn't saved he will for sure go and that's sad because he's a good person. I just kind of worry about that, but then I have family members who are Christian but haven't been to church in like forever so idk religion is confusing. I just don't want him to go to hell


There's a really powerful quote, often attributed to Marcus Aurelius (although that's debatable).. regardless it doesn't matter who said it. It's poignant nonetheless.


"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."


Basically, why bother caring about this? A God who uses the threats you describe to follow him is not a God I would want to follow (or have my children follow). There's so many denominations of Christianity (not to mention Islam, Judaism etc) and they all say they're right and everyone else is wrong. Well dammit only a maximum of one can be right!


If you feel so strongly about this, I would urge you to discuss this with him, and possibly break it off if you can sense your incompatibility, and if this means that much to you.

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I still check it, I just decided that I'm certainly not going to let that one little thing stop me. We don't even talk about religion much lol


Religious incompatibility is one of the biggest reasons why people don't (1) ever hook up in the first place, or (2) simply do not maintain a relationship. It is a core value for many and if your core values do not mesh with your partner's, the relationship is at a disadvantage.


If you are saying that you are a wishy-washy Christian as I have found most are, then it's really not a core-value issue for you. So, it would be "one little thing" for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Some of the text is profound, beautiful, moving and deserves a place at the top echelons of our literature. I do not even believe one can fully appreciate things like Milton or Shakespeare without a firm grounding in Biblical lore and literature. Where some atheists want to keep the Bible out of schools - I very much want to see it IN schools - but in it's proper place in English Literature class.

They had us read Matthew, Luke, and something else (I think... I didn't actually bother to read them) of the King James Bible for my AP English class in high school.

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They had us read Matthew, Luke, and something else (I think... I didn't actually bother to read them) of the King James Bible for my AP English class in high school.


Sounds great. While I am sure people can enjoy English Literature immensely from Milton all the way through to Shakespeare without a shred of knowledge of the Bible - I do firmly believe such people are still missing out on some layers to that enjoyment.


It is kind of analogous to being color blind to reds and greens. While such people function near perfectly and are not technically really "missing out" on anything in life. There is still a dimension to life they are precluded all the same. "Missing out" is not quite the right term but it is close.

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King James Version

13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.


Bible in Basic English

13:2 Take care to keep open house: because in this way some have had angels as their guests, without being conscious of it.


I know which one I prefer.....

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