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Let's be honest here..

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Does anyone really, I mean REALLY, say things that they don't mean in an argument with their significant other? Is the truth sometimes so devestating to a relationship that we'd rather just eat our words and feelings and try to make up? Why? Thoughts?

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Does anyone really, I mean REALLY, say things that they don't mean in an argument with their significant other? Is the truth sometimes so devestating to a relationship that we'd rather just eat our words and feelings and try to make up? Why? Thoughts?


In my experience I would say yes. If a person is hurting its a human knee-jerk response to lash out with words you know will hurt the other person. even when the person doesnt really mean it. Arguing skills are taught and learned.

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Lol yes.






In times of anger I have said ****ty things that I did not mean in the slightest.

It's human nature when hurting to make the ther person hurt too, and the easiest way to do that is with words.

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I say what I mean during arguments. So does H. If either apologizes, we apologize for inflicting hurt on the other, not for our honesty. This is why we trust each other since there's no b/s between us.

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Does anyone really, I mean REALLY, say things that they don't mean in an argument with their significant other? Is the truth sometimes so devestating to a relationship that we'd rather just eat our words and feelings and try to make up? Why? Thoughts?


No, I can't say that we do. We stick to the issue at hand and say what we mean. We fight well.

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