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Help me please...=o(

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Well basically I started college in September, met a boy on my course, from the 1st day i saw him i had feelings for him.. We were seeing each other for about 2 weeks and then 2 weeks ago he asked me out.. so i said yes.. we got on rlly well, we were rlly close.. i like him so much.. i am really badly falling for him.. he knows i've been badly hurt before.. and he promised me he'd never hurt me and he'd always treat me right. He told me before he asked me out that he had never stayed in a relationship long because he tends to cheat.. i said ok if you cheat tell me and we can sort things out.. he hasn't cheated on me that i know of.

The last 2 days he's been really off with me.. we live about 15 mins away (in a car/bus) from each other.. so it's not within walking.. so i went up there today because he told me to.. so i rang him when i got there and he rejected my call.. i thought he might have been doing something important.. left it about 10 mins and rang him again.. still rejected my call.. so i tryed him a few more times.. still rejecting. I txt him saying 'answer your phone please it's Millie' and so i tryed him again.. mobile was turned off. Rang my mum she picked me up.. got home.. tryed him again.. still rejecting..

I don't know what to do because i like him so much.. he says he likes me loads too.. and he's even given up drugs for me.. and then he does this? For all i know he could have a perfectely good explaination.. but sometimes when he's with me.. his phone will ring and he'll reject the calls and look kinda scared in a way but then he'll smile at me and kiss me.. so i cant figure it out.. it happens alot.. and when he has to go home he says 'babe i have to go i've got people to see.. things to sort out'.. and i'm like.. 'what like..?'.. and he says i cant tell you that...

And whenever we go out he's always flirting with other girls.. even my best mate.. he is a very flirty person but it doesn't make me jelous as such but it makes me feel as if he doesn't want to be with me as if he wants someone else.. although i do feel jelous i jus feel left out aswell..

I don't want to be hurt again.. because last time i got hurt i did alot of things i now regret and i couldn't go through the pain i went through last time.. it's really getting me down.. i've come off my anti-depressants because he says i can be happy with him without them, but it's having an effect on me, i keep feeling tired and really down all the time. And now the effect of this is making me feel worse because i've come off my AD's. I'm a very emotional person anyway.. but i seriosuly do think i'm falling for him.. badly.

I was going to say to him.. 'If you don't want to be with me anymore then please tell me before you end up hurting me..' but i think he'd jus tell me he wanted to but still keep doing this..

Please help, what would you do in this situation..?

I'm scared of loosing him but i dnt wanna get hurt again..

Thanks x1x Millie x1x

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He told me before he asked me out that he had never stayed in a relationship long because he tends to cheat..


What he told you was:


"Sooner or later, I am going to cheat on you.".


If you don't want to be hurt again then stop seeing him.

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Hi Millie


He sounds like a complete tosser, and as chocky said, if you don't get out he is going to hurt you.


So you fancy him loads and want to be with him but he is really playing you. And worse, he's made you think he's the answer to all your problems. I assume he's not also your doctor, yet you've also taken dangerous medical advice from him and quit your medication. None of these are good signs.


I was once with a bloke who told me from the start he wasn't worth it. I thought he was. I thought if he just got to know me and understood how cool and funny and cute I am he'd change. Guess what? He knew himself better than I did. He wasn't worth it. He cheated and I wasted two years on a tool like that.


Don't do the same Millie. Guys like this are just out for what they can get. And I'd bet good money you're not the only girl he's stringing along. I'm all for a bit of mystery in a relationship but this chap is being secretive, he's ignoring you when it suits him and is flirting with other chicks in front of you.


You deserve a million times better. Chuck him now, with your dignity intact. Don't hand him the power by saying 'if you don't want me then tell me'. Make it YOUR decision, not his. I promise you in six weeks you'll feel a hell of a lot better than you do now. There are good guys out there, don't settle for this knob - however cute he may be.

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Grinning Maniac



*stares in astonishment*...NO. Are you insane? This guy has TOLD you he's gonna cheat. I almost want to commend him for being honest. He's told you what the game is. If you stick around, you deserve what you get. You're going to walk in on this guy eating out your best friend or something. Leave...now...and NEVER COME BACK! [/gollum] You ever hear that old story about the woman who cared for the injured snake, and then was shocked when she got bit to death? Trust me on this. Run for the hills, babydoll...


Can someone tell me why women do this? Why do you ladies think you can change ANYONE? Nobody can change who somebody else is inside. It's folly. You're not anyone special! None of you are! At least not to guys like that. Your pussy is the same as any other chick's. It's not made of gold that drips holy water... I'll never get women who date the "bad guys" like they're a fixer-upper project. Ironically, the guys that might think you're something special AREN'T the bad ones.


*laughs ass off*

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He told me before he asked me out that he had never stayed in a relationship long because he tends to cheat..


Fair warning. Make good use of it and run away from this guy before you get seriously hurt.


His behaviour seems a red flag too.

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maybe what this A-hole needs is a woman who will tell him "see ya later, jerk, i don't deal with cheating."


it seems like feeds on girls who don't have the strength to say they won't put up with someone's crap.


he's a loser. tell him to go stuff it and that you hope he gets an STD to learn to his lesson.


and honey, it's obvious that he is "cheating" on you right now...i say "cheating" in quotes, because it doesn't seem as though he has agreed to be your actual boyfriend.


good luck. lose this loser. he is looking for a sheep, and you are asking to get hurt. DO NOT ALLOW IT!

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Originally posted by Grinning Maniac

You're not anyone special! None of you are! At least not to guys like that. Your pussy is the same as any other chick's. It's not made of gold that drips holy water...


oh beautifully put!! this is glorious stuff.


maniac, in my case it was a slant on the old joke 'how many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?'.


i didn't think i could i could change him, i thought he would want to change under my influence. subtle but crucial difference. most women i guess do it out of immaturity or optimism or a misguided belief that young men actually want to lay aside their sh@g nasty ways and embrace humanity. it's the same difference.


but hey, if you can't be stupidly naive when you're young...

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Actions speak louder than words

so i rang him when i got there and he rejected my call.. i thought he might have been doing something important.. left it about 10 mins and rang him again.. still rejected my call.. so i tryed him a few more times.. still rejecting. I txt him saying 'answer your phone please it's Millie' and so i tryed him again.. mobile was turned off. Rang my mum she picked me up.. got home.. tryed him again.. still rejecting..


but sometimes when he's with me.. his phone will ring and he'll reject the calls and look kinda scared in a way but then he'll smile at me and kiss me.. so i cant figure it out.. it happens alot.. and when he has to go home he says 'babe i have to go i've got people to see.. things to sort out'.. and i'm like.. 'what like..?'.. and he says i cant tell you that...


I think he's cheating on you, plain and simple.



he knows i've been badly hurt before.. and he promised me he'd never hurt me and he'd always treat me right. He told me before he asked me out that he had never stayed in a relationship long because he tends to cheat..


A definite player. This is a toxic relationship for you and you should get out of it. All the other posters are right.


Good Luck

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