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Trying to get some feedback here…


I’m a single man in my late twenties, In January I came out of a lengthy relationship.


During the course of the relationship I began having chemistry with another colleague, so much so my girlfriend called me out at all time asking if something was going on.


Since working with her she’s become a close friend & feelings developed.


A few months after the breakup… My Colleague and I went out for drinks and hooked up it was incredible we had a great time and went on a few dates shortly after.


On our third date we had a very honest conversation about the direction this was headed and that we would at least explore dating….she mentioned her best friend who is also friend of mine, liked me and that this would be a roadblock. However it continued, we had one more date I thought things were going well….until…


The morning after our final date, she called to tell me she couldn’t do this anymore. Saying that she didn’t want to be romantically involved with anyone from work (She’s Dated co-workers in the past) & that she felt guilty for sneaking around behind her friends back. She said she felt sick hiding this from her friend. I told her I understand and said I was disappointed.


Fast forward 2 months later…..


Her “friend” is dating someone new and We are right back to before… she texts/calls me nearly everyday… she’s incredibly touchy feely… she gets jealous when my attention is not on her or on another women…. we still hang out weekly 1 on 1 and in groups…. She mirrors me and my wants/interests in conversations…She laughs at all my jokes even when there not funny…Her friends/family tell me she talks about me constantly in groups of friends.


It has gotten to the point where other colleagues/friends ask if something has been going on or ask why something isn’t going on.


Our chemistry is undeniable this girl has become an incredible friend and has a huge piece of my heart. I ask my friends for advice but they all cant get there heads around it as she shows all the signs….


Besides the Work dilemma, I cant get my head around it…..Chemistry/compatibility like this comes rarely and Id like to see if this can be pursued….



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If you don't have confidence that if this relationship fails that it won't turn toxic (aka you both turn into "that crazy ex"), then don't, because that will destroy your job. If you think if you two can part ways amicably, then by all means... However, often relationships that are started on passion end with passion.... :cool: so good luck *brings out the popcorn*

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Dating a college is a bad idea anytime. She said she wasn't interested anyways right? Move past this, forget her as anything other than a coworker...and just don't ***** where you eat.

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