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JUSTWHOIAM question.

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do you remember this?




I see the way you think is quite clear and well I wanted do know if you have a messanger we can chat somewhre private where nobody can see... like skype or facebook and if you would add me. I will say whats mine so you dont show your email/ID so nobody can bug you :) There are more things that just happened and I think you are right that I left a mark... I just wanted to consult with you because most people's opinions vary on what they have lived trough so it twists the way they think of other people. And from most(no offense to others) you come out with a really clear mind. So would you add me somewhere?

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Yes, I do.


I wanted do know if you have a messanger we can chat somewhre private where nobody can see... like skype or facebook and if you would add me.
No Facebook. Sorry. Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
removed inappropriate url
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OP, have you noticed you can send private messages to people? Try that. I'm sure justwhoiam will take the time to reply to you.

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Her post count isn't high enough to PM is it?




OP, have you noticed you can send private messages to people? Try that. I'm sure justwhoiam will take the time to reply to you.
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I can't remember exactly, but I think you have to reach over 50 posts or something before you are allowed to PM others...?

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