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My friend needs some advice


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My friend just "broke up" with her fella and she is really depressed.


She is a mature woman (45 years) and she has started dating again (she is divorced), the guy that she was going with was really romantic in the begining and was really nice. Then all of a sudden he changed. He wasnt so affectionate and always said that he needed his space. Anyways, she went there one night last week and the first thing that he said to her was "why did you come - did you think i would be ##### someone else?" - I thought that this was a sign of a guilty consience.


Then on Saturday she called him in the morning and asked him to come for dinner, he said he would, then she called him back in the afternoon and he answered the phone by saying his ex-girlfriends name (apparenlty he keeps in close contact with her). My friend asked him why he said that if he was with her and he hung up the phone on her.


He then called her back 2 hours later with the story I saw her on the way to work this morning. Why did it take him 2 hours to tell her that - why didnt he tell her that when he said it the first time.


Anyways, to top it all off, he called her again and said that he would come over that night still for tea. She waited until 11pm and he did not come or call.


I think something fishy is up - what does everyone else think ??

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Not only does something seem fishy, he sounds like a rude and inconsiderate jerk. The best advice you can give her is to tell her to stop talking to him. This woman is MUCH better off without him. She does not deserve to be disrespected. He changed and "needed his space". Tell her to give him exactly that. Stop calling him. Period. Tell her to go out, have fun, and get her mind off him. She does not need this guy.

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The guy turned out to be a scumbag. That happens. He was rude, inconsiderate, and without manners or class. She should be celebrating that she is away from him.


Why would she be depressed about being away from someone who was so mean to her? They say that depression in masked anger so I suppose she is pretty angry at the guy and has a right to be.


Now that she's back in the dating scene, someone ought to tell her that there are a lot of slimeballs out there, that all relationships don't work out, and that she needs to pay close attention to details. It's a whole different world out there today.


Also, I now immediately write people off if they hang up on me on the phone. In every single case of someone hanging up on me, ultimately that relationship ceased. So now, I just don't wait for it to happen. Hanging up on someone is way up there in the most rude things a human can do.


It seems this type of thing has been happening an awful lot in the past few weeks. I wonder if it has something to do with the coming holidays or if all of a sudden there are just more jerks on the planet. Maybe both.


You ask if something fishy is up. Well, if they just broke up, she shouldn't care. She should be forgetting this guy and moving on. What he is doing in his life is totally irrelevant.

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Just a quick overnight update. That guy called my friend - after 2 days - 2 days of her crying and being nearly suicidal - said sorry - and now she is happy as Larry !! I really dont know why women are like this. Why do they pin all there hopes and dreams on a guy ? Why cant they be self-sufficiant. It makes me so mad !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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