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Some guy forced himself onto my gf

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You can't trust her. You can't love her. Why not play with her mind? Start banging her female friends one by one. Get her friends to turn against her. Have fun doing it! :laugh:

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I don't know what to think, with the hiding details from me and getting close to other guys when i'm not around...what do others think about this??


I'd ask my 3 friends who texted me for a slightly more detailed account and compare it with what she's saying. If she's hiding any more than she's now revealed then I'd end it straight away.


The tricky thing with this is that, generally, it's men who make that first move to kiss women... so, yes, it's likely that he kissed her rather than her kissing him. What happened to get to that point, and what happened straight afterwards?

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Rule of thumb, guys usually don't go in for the kiss unless they feel that they are getting the okay to do so.


When they don't, the girl will usually pull away before the actual kiss happens or they get slapped or told off rather loudly.

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