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need advice!


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I just recently found out maybe 2 months ago that my best friend has had a crush on me for 4 years. But at the time, I told her that I didn't look at her that way. She was ok with it, but now I am finding that I like her A LOT! I think about her all the time. But she has a boyfriend of about 2 weeks. And with Valentine's coming around should I tell her that I like her? Or should I wait? Or should I just not tell her at all? Any help would be appreciated! =)



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Is it that you hesitate to tell her out of respect for her and her new boyfriend? Or are you scared, since you have been friends so long (don't want to ruin that)?


Based on the little you have said, it sounds like you really want to tell her. Communication is usually a good thing. Giving her a carefully, creatively chosen Valentine's gift could subtley say a lot of things. Choose carefully though. Don't get a gift that just says 'I value our friendship only', try to get one that says 'hey I value our friendship and I want you as more (this is what you want to say right?).


Now is a good time for Valentine's Day to happen for you. You can send her this signal while her boyfriend is still new, and they aren't too serious. If she had been with this new boyfriend for 6 months, perhaps you would want to restrain more. It seems like now is a good time for you to act, and it sounds like you want to also.



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I REALLY REALLY like her and I REALLY REALLY want to tell her but the reason that I haven't told her yet is because I respect her and her boyfriend and I wouldn't really want to ruin what they have.


'hey I value our friendship and I want you as more' is exactly what I want so say.


But then I'd feel like I'm trying to 'steal' her from her BF. That'd make me feel real bad inside and also if she all of a sudden, one day found out that I like her a lot, she would go crazy!! Cause then she would have to decide between me and her BF. I think that would hurt her a lot and I just don't really want to put her in that kinda position. I will get her an INCREDIBLE Valentine's Day present, but I just don't know if I really want to put her in the position of choosing between me and her BF. But thanks for your help Dan!



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Hi, I think that you should tell her that you like her, because she may still have feelings for you in that way. So tell her.



I just recently found out maybe 2 months ago that my best friend has had a crush on me for 4 years. But at the time, I told her that I didn't look at her that way. She was ok with it, but now I am finding that I like her A LOT! I think about her all the time. But she has a boyfriend of about 2 weeks. And with Valentine's coming around should I tell her that I like her? Or should I wait? Or should I just not tell her at all? Any help would be appreciated! =) Doughboy
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Hi, I think that you should tell her that you like her, because she may still have feelings for you in that way. So tell her. Tracy


Tracy is on the ball, tell her with a smile and kiss her on the cheek, presents right now are unnecessary and can often be missconstrude, you'll get the response your looking for.


Let me know how you get on!!


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