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Cheating caught up with him

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I recently decided to end my communication with a guy that I considered to be a pretty good guy. Well we live 3 hrs away from each other, and decided to give the long distance thing a shot even though neither one of us cared for long distance relationships, but we enjoyed being around each other. Things were ok for a few months, he would come see me and I would go visit him...but in the last 3 months he had nothing but excuses...needless to say I gave up and figured if he wanted to see me, he would...we texted each other pretty much everyday for most of the day...talking about him wanting to come visit me or me visit him...or just conversing...like nothing was wrong...then all of a sudden I didn't hear from him...when I finally heard from him, it was a confession...apparently several months ago he decided to "connect" with an old friend..for what was, according to him, a one time thing...not long after I was there for a visit...now she calls to inform him that she's preg and he's the father...which he doesn't believe...however, despite all of this..since he knew that seeing each other was now out of the question..he wanted to remain friends with me...I decided against that...amazingly I was very calm about it and I know he expected me to say more than I did...he apologized and admitted that it was dumb decision...what I can't figure out is this: why would a person do that after they've been thru the same hurt themselves?

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For those several months, he was with the other girl. Cheating on you throughout the discourse. Did he ever provide a reason, for not wanting to see you? It's obvious as to why not...by now...I'm sure.


He now has a girl "old connection" pregnant, and will answer for his dubious actions. You did the right thing, by not remaining friends(it's a burden), plus, what he did, and the fact she's pregnant and he refuses to seemingly own up to what could be his child.


You escaped a big mess. Fortunately, you don't have to deal with his and her world of oncoming drama.


He showed his true colors. A coward. A cheater, certainly not the man for you.


Why would he cheat, if he was cheated on? First, do you know if he truly was cheated on? Cheats lie, he could have been the one who cheated...given his current history. But, to assume he didn't; We all, even people who have been cheated on...face temptations and various lusts. Some lose this battle due to a weak character, etc.


He has a weak character. He lost the battle. She was there, willing to put out, and he went for it.


Eitherway, you no longer have him to deal with.


Welcome to LS...BTW...use it as much as you like. Has many great advise giving people on it.

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Thanks for the response :)


Yea he gave excuses as to why he couldn't be here...but every reason why I could come see him instead...thats when, deep down, I felt something wasn't right.


But you're right..whatever drama happens (because he has planned to have a paternity test)...with him and the old connection...I won't have to deal with it thankfully.

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