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Is he cheating?

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Thanks to everyone who reads and responds to my post. I have been married for 20 years. We have always been head over heels in love and I never thought I would have to wonder if he would cheat, but here it is. I now have reason to believe he is so I had a friend to pose as another woman and text him to see his reaction. Well, he went for it. After a while he was saying things like, "I cant stop thinking about you", and he was wanting to meet her. I confronted him (not revealing who it really was) and he said he thought it was me so he played along. He said he would stop texting her but he didnt. He even told her he wanted to plan a weekend getaway. After a couple of weeks, I pulled phone records and confronted him again (still not revealing who it was). He admitted to it but lied about some of the content of the texts. However, he did say some of them were inappropriate. He said he was wrong and he was sorry and wanted to work on our marriage. (there have been problems recently). He even sent her a text saying he was working on his marriage and couldnt talk to her anymore. I dont have anyone that could meet him to see what he would really do and he works out of town. Should I trust that he will be faithful? What is my next move, or do I have a next move? Should I leave it alone and trust him? I am very confused and really need opinions here!! Please help!

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Why did you set up a honey-trap if he wasn't cheating before?


It reads, at first blush, that you brought this problem on yourself.

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I don't believe that you brought this problem on yourself. But, it does appear that you are not giving the full story here. You obviously had something make you think he was cheating or trying to cheat. At this point, don't let it go. If he wants to stay in the marriage, make him do the work. Complete transparency.

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yes I am leaving out a lot of the story, trying to make it short and give the understanding of what is going on now. There have been a lot of problems and I have reason to believe he may be cheating now or planning to, just dont know if there is a way to find out since this seems to have fallen thru, even though I did find out how he reacts to other women, which is disturbing.

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I am sorry to hear that you are in such pain as to resort to this. I wonder if your husband knows that you are hurting so. Perhaps if he did he would change for you.

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