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What is worst Drinking or Smoking Pot

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Originally posted by honey2005

Pot can kill you, too.

Plenty of people die from alcohol poisoining. Zero have died from marijuana poisoning.

Pot, even though most people say it doesn't, is a gateway drug that may lead to stronger, more dangerous ones like cocaine and heroin.

No drug takes away free will.


Additionally, if heroin were legal, the government could regulate the purity of it, and people wouldn't die from it.

Marijuana isn't spooky because it's a Mexican word, it's spooky because it alters your state of mind, is illegal, and is dangerous.

Sugar alters your state of mind.

Illegality is totally subjective.

Christianity is dangerous.


Originally posted by Bronzepen

pot = brain damage

So? Why the hell aren't we free to damage our own brain?

Originally posted by cateinaus

Yes MJ can induce mental illnesses and once it does, there is no return.

Prove it.


Originally posted by honey2005

Lung cancer. mj. Yes


Do some research

Smoking anything *can* cause lung cancer. That has nothing to do with marijuana.

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Originally posted by cateinaus

Prove it? What a laugh!


Educate yourself.

No, educate me, o wise one. I'd love to see statistics of this horrible mental illness caused by pot!


You sound like a 1920's propaganda film.

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lol....didn't take long did it!


No seriously though, you have mistaken me for someone else if you think I am going to pull out all my medical data......to prove it to you.

It's different if someone genuinely wants to learn and improve......you have the right to screw up your brain if you so desire....no one said not to.



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For one, you've got no evidence, so your medical assertions are worth absolutely nothing. Even the war on Iraq had some sort of evidence.


Additionally, it's pointless to debate over whether marijuana is good or bad for you. Aspirin is bad for you. McDonalds is bad for you. The SUN is bad for you.


The point is that commercial cigarettes are way more toxic and carcinogenic than marijuana, and alcohol is way more poisoinous. We either illegalize those, or legalize pot. It's just common sense.


In a Swedish study, researchers found no link between marijuana use among more than 45,000 male military conscripts, aged 18 to 20, and their death rates over the next 15 years. Another study of 65,171 men and women enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente health plan found that, with the exception of AIDS patients, marijuana users were not more likely than others to die over a 10-year period.


Pot smokers take much less smoke into their lungs than nicotene smokers.


The mental illness thing is just a scare tactic.

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Ah go have a choof....I doubt you would understand any information that was presented to you being the scientist that you are...


While you're at it, have a McDonalds burger out in the sun with an extra large McBong!

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If anyone knows actual facts about the two "drugs" they would know this was a silly question. I could go on for days about the actual benefits and harms of marijuana...it is less dangerous that cigarettes and if it is used with a vaporizer the danger is completely nonexistent. It is a 100% conspiracy that it is illegal in the first place. It is much less harmless than many of the other plants that are 100% legal in this U.S. It was used for 20% of all medications in the world prior to 1938...etc.etc.

The Emporer Wears No Clothes- Jack Ferrer...read it.

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Pot also has no toxicity level and it does not damage the brain at all. Thats a lie...it temporarily effects the brain and once it is no longer being smoked the "effects" (thc) simply seperates themselves from the cells. Anyone who tries to say that pot is dangerous, bad, harmful, wrong, or whatevr negatives you can conjure up are the ones who need to be doing research. there has never been a single case of lung cancer specifially linked to smokiing pot...ever. I'm sure Dyer and I can round up any evidence, statistics or reports you would like...so just ask. :)

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My father was an alcoholic, and abusive because of it.


Were he a pothead?


Whoooaaaah, duuuude...he woulda been, like...y'know....way mellow, probably, dude. Coooool.


I think pot can be an avenue to harder drugs...but then so can alcohol. Who knows? I don't know the stats.


If I had to choose between the two, I'd MUCH rather choose cannabis over alchohol, but I'm biased against it. I just find smoking to be "dirty", so I avoid it, even cigarettes.


Hope I don't offend anyone :o

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How so? I completely agree that "smoking" is "dirty"...I hate cigarettes...and once I get a vaporizer I won't be "smoking" the weed anymore, I'll be vaporizing it. I however must disagree about marijuana being a gateway drug...if you would like I would do some statistic searching but this is largely untrue. Also, if it weren't illegal then the criminal and hard core drug population wouldn't have so much of an interest in the "plant"; the "ethnobotanical" in the first place. Prior to 1938 it was 100% legal and responsible for the majority of the industrial needs of our country. This nation has changed quite substantially since our nation's fathers founded it, Washington and Jefferson for instance who grew their hemp crops as well as the majority of the nation and the world....would be astounded at the WAR which has been waged on the "plant".

"Pot Heads" are the most free thinking, non violent, community oriented people I have ever come in contact with...at yet the only thing they get credit for is the "loser, criminal" stigma.

Are you aware that the propaganda spread to rally support for its illegalization in the first place (back in the 1930's) was largely focussed on scaring the white population with stories of rebellious black and hispanics who smoked it...racism is a wonderful venue to use to get people to think what you want.


Educate yourselves people, with non biased facts...the whole truth is not even close to what they taught you in school.

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I think that pot is worse.


I don't know about medically or morally, but it is against the law and I've seen lots of my friends get in endless amounts of trouble over it.


For that reason, the risk associated with pot is greater and I have never touched it.

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Originally posted by jvjrose

I would like to see what everyone thinks about these two items. I personally have not seen a sign that says DONT SMOKE AND DRIVE. However I have seen what alcohol has done to many many people. From winding up in bed with a stranger to killing an entire family. What say you people?


I personally think that they are both equally bad. Alcohol can mess your liver up and marijuana can f*ck up your lungs. They both are used for the same reasons. I admit I do drink once in a while, but I don't smoke. Not because I think that is bad or because it's illegal, but because I do not like the feeling it gives. However if someone likes to do it I would not think it's bad.


When I was younger I thought smoking weed was real bad and that using it would cause brain damage. I would always tell my friends not to do it and when I got older and my bf would smoke I would give him an ultimatum because I really thought that it was bad and I did not want him to smoke. Then a couple of years back a friend of mine asked me why was I so against it. I gave him my reasons and he told me that all the reasons that I came up with were also true in regards to alcohol. So the only bad thing about weed is that it's illegal. After that time I changed my way of thinking. To be honest I cannot understand why is weed illegal and alcohol is not! Maybe because they cannot make any money off of weed because anyone can cultivate it and not have to buy it.


If I would criticize someone for smoking weed I would be a hypocrite because I drink and it's just as bad. I actually think weed should be legalized.

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Well then the govt. has done their job haven't they. They're shouldn't be laws of this nature. It's unconsitutional and ridiculous and as long as there are laws like this I have no respect for our government. It's is aweful that good people get put into jail for as long as serious criminals for smoking pot. Even after it was made illegal in 1938 they still forced people to grow crops of it in war time, even expempted them from having to go to war if they would stay here and farm it for the governments' needs.(Prior to 1950) They don't teach us anything about the history of the plant prior to 1938 and its use around the world and in our own nation in public schools either...the government likes to keep us dumb and blind. If everyone smoked pot they would be a lot less easy to control and the modern medicine industry would lose billions of dollars...as would the other textile industries, etc. etc.

I got facts all day long if you like. Can't wait for Dyer to get out of school.

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My mother always told me this about that subject. My dad use to beat her up all the time when he got drunk but he never beat her up while he was smoking pot & high. So I definatly think drinking is much worse. You can control yourelf when your high & most people are perfectly fine when they are high. Get a drunk person out there & they are out of control. I think they should make drinking illegal & leagalize pot. Thats my personal opinion.

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Originally posted by kiwi29f

My mother always told me this about that subject. My dad use to beat her up all the time when he got drunk but he never beat her up while he was smoking pot & high. So I definatly think drinking is much worse. You can control yourelf when your high & most people are perfectly fine when they are high. Get a drunk person out there & they are out of control. I think they should make drinking illegal & leagalize pot. Thats my personal opinion.


I have this same viewpoint, borne from almost the same experiences. I personally don't care for legalizing pot, one way or the other

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starting a 2000 style Hippy Revolution and trying to get it legalized with strength in numbers. I think it is impossible however because of the deep control big drug companies have over Washington...money speaks volumes...either that or I'm moving to Canada. That is if the U.S. will stop bullying them about their laws and insisting they be as moronic as we are. :(


I just wish that more people DID care one way or the other, but not just that they cared, but that they cared enough to stand up for it. The government has us too scared to admit we want it legalized...because that means admitting we're smoking it, that means we're admitting we're "criminals"...no one wants that kind of attention on themselves, their homes and their families. That means...nothing changes.

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All drugs can be bad! All drugs can be abused! People that have abused both...thats why they have such a bad name. People just need to get some self control.

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Originally posted by naive_2001

Maybe because they cannot make any money off of weed because anyone can cultivate it and not have to buy it.

Who's 'they' ?


The government doesn't cultivate hops or tobacco, they can just tax the sale of it. The government could make the same amount of money off the sale of other drugs.


If cannabis was legal, California wouldn't have a defecit. We could tax it, and then maybe we wouldn't have to do something stupid, like elect an action hero as our governer.

Most of the cannabis in the U.S. comes from Canada and California. California produces a much superior product.


If all drugs, even the dangerous ones, were legal, it would benefit the country. Firstly, the taxation would provide enough revenue to help drug treatment facilities and then some. Additionally, people think of heroin and such as extremely dangerous. It's dangerous BECAUSE it's illicit! If the government regulated the sale of heroin, they could also regulate the purity. People don't OD from heroin because they take too much, they overdose because let's say they're used to 5% purity. They take 5% every day. Then one day they get China Red, and inject an 80% purity drug into their veins. Instant death. With legalization and regulation, that wouldn't happen.


Right now most cannabis is grown on federal property. In their war on drugs, the government has chosen to suspend the right of due proccess, and if you have marijuana growing on your property, the government can just take your house and never bring you to trial. And it happens. You grow it on federal property so they can't seize it.


If it were legal to grow and sell, Phillip Morris, RJ Reynolds etc, would be immediately ready to start selling it. They own a lot of land where the soil is good for growing this product.


Federal Drug Laws are unconstitutional. They're policies based on fear. Our country is so retarded, they'll do anything when they're afraid.

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Originally posted by dyermaker


Who's 'they' ?



If it were legal to grow and sell, Phillip Morris, RJ Reynolds etc, would be immediately ready to start selling it. They own a lot of land where the soil is good for growing this product.


Wouldn't that be nice!! I'd be the 1st one in line for that product! :D

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They're policies based on fear. Our country is so retarded, they'll do anything when they're afraid.


there has never been a truer statement!

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