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Can one ever get out of the Friend Zone?

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I always believed that once friendzoned, always friendzoned. I actually got that notion here on LS.


I was thinking about this and while I think it may be true most of the time, I think there may be exceptions.


I was given the "just friends" spiel a few months ago by a prospective man (not an actual talk, just through body language and him telling someone else we were just friends - once he even told me I was like the sister he never had - this was very early on in the friendship...A relationship or going out on a date was never brought to the table.), but I am feeling lately that he is taking me out of the friendzone...Possibly. I was friends with him for a very short time when this occurred. He didn't really know much about me; I didn't know too much about him. Over the past few months, and learning more about each other, I feel like he's having second thoughts about friendzoning me. Maybe it is wishful thinking as I still very much have feelings for him - but I don't know. I could swear there is "something there" or he at least thought about me on a few occasions (other than a friend). I think he is toying with the idea a bit.


Not even just that, but, I thought some of the best relationships (romantically speaking) come from being "just friends" at first. There are a few examples of this in my life, and I have heard of many great loves coming from a relationship that started as a friendship...


So...Is there a possibility to be taken out of the friendzone once placed in it? What are your thoughts?

Edited by vanhalenfan
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In my humble experience, I have taken a friend out of "friendzone" before. I have been taken out of "friendzone" many times too. Play it cool and let him approach you about possibly becoming more. Nothing is less enticing than someone who tries to hurry someone's romantic feelings. Also, you don't want to get hurt if your feelings aren't reciprocated.

I would just like to remind you that friendship is a very cool thing, so if that is all it is going to be, you still have something great with this person.

Good luck,


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From a guy's perspective, in a few cases I have seen a girl as just a friend early on only to later find that there is attraction there. My personal view is that the friend zone phenomenon is not real. If a guy or girl is attracted to someone they will not let the fact that they are friends get in the way of something more.

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For the record, "friendzone" is a bit different than "just friends." If two people mutually share the feeling that the other is just a friend, meaning the attraction and expectations are absolutely balanced, yes you can be friends. If and when the attraction increases, and it continues to be mutually balanced, meaning that you both start to see stars in each other's eyes around the same time, yes that can work. I guess I could say that happened in my life.


Friendzone is where you are attracted to the other person, but it's not balanced and the other person only sees you as a friend. The more you try to get out of being "just friends" it drives the other person to reinforce just being friends. Feelings can always change, but more often the other person will find the love of their life before that happens.


I have to say that the "I love her like a sister" is not a good sign for getting out of the friendzone. I know that was a long time ago, but a relationship with your sister??? I do wish you luck, though.

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