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If you could ask your EX only one Question ?

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OK you read it correctly if you could right now ask them one question ONLY what would that question be ?

Me it would be:

Are you hurting at all about last few weeks since break up ?




You go now

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Simon Phoenix

Can I have those frisbee golf discs you were going to give me? I want to play frisbee golf.

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Wouldn't ask her anything, I'd tell her "Youre a twat and I wish I was the man I am now to have binned you ages ago. Youre a quitter. Peace :)"

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How's the herpes?


(don't know if she has it or not, I'm just speculating because she's a wh*re. So, chances are...that's a correct question.)

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Told me you loved me... Why did you leave me? all alone...


Justin Timberlake- cry me a river

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Guys its not that some post did not gave me few chuckles but thread is actually serious questions only OK ?

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Simon Phoenix
Guys its not that some post did not gave me few chuckles but thread is actually serious questions only OK ?


I was serious with mine. I really want those discs.

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Guys its not that some post did not gave me few chuckles but thread is actually serious questions only OK ?


Well the point of these "humorous" questions is that you will eventually get to a place in your life that you simply don't care. You wouldn't feel compelled to ask questions them questions; instead, simply knowing that it ended is enough for you. And your emotional attachment to them will wane to the point where, in my case with casual sex, you hold no emotional ties toward them. I would not hesitate to have sex with any of my exes and then have them turn around and never talk to me again.



But then again, I'm dead inside. :laugh:

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Assuming the question WOULD be answered 100% truthfully!


idiot ex: did you ever sleep with anyone else, besides the hookers? Seriously.


My gut says no, but you never know with you. You were sort of immoral.

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Nah guys, I don't think that you exes would answer you the truth to your questions. Like it's not likely the say after a short period of time you broke up "Oh yes , I damn miss you so much".

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Questions lead to false answers, that lead to false hopes. All created by one person, you.


There were hundreds of questions I wanted to ask my ex... and i did.. but I always got the same dumb answers.


"Its not you, its me" "My hearts not into it" blah blah


So, you get to a point where you dont want to ask any questions. That her/his opinion, their answer, doesn't matter because knowing it will not affect you.


If there was a question, It would be "what made you hit the switch so fast?" you have to know my breakup to get what my question means... but theres my question.


Now, I do not care if she answers it. Because it does nothing for me.

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"Wanna f*ck?" :confused:


I've had this one... Didn't go well.


Anyway, I would ask 'Did I love you too much?'

That's my downfall I think.

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"Where are the Christmas tree decorations?"


This is serious. Since he left, I have never been able to find them. I turned the house upside down looking for them each December. Some of them come from my "family tree". They were a little memory of Dad, who passed away. My Dad, I miss.


Anything else, well I just don't think I'd get an answer that would make any difference. It's not even that he'd exactly lie: he'll have re-written history and believes it.

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I've had this one... Didn't go well.


Anyway, I would ask 'Did I love you too much?'

That's my downfall I think.

Loving someone too much isn't a problem. Loving the wrong person is

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Are you happy for me?


I hope he is. I met someone wonderful a few months ago and I hope my ex does the same and has a happy life.

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What would your father say?

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Will there ever come a time when you can admit you still love me so we can both understand this?

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"Can your mom's bank give me a loan?"




Do you need an examination? Would you like something that could touch the walls...extra large speculation, perhaps?





Doubt she'd answer truthfully. She is rather evil..



I have no more questions....

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