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If you could ask your EX only one Question ?

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Are there any decent, educated AND attractive woman that are actually interested in you, and are you still a slob around your new long term girl or was that just something you delighted me with:mad:

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Eight years together.


It's been over a year since you dumped me. Do I ever cross your mind?


Doubtful, just need an extra kick in the Nutz to move on and forget you the way you've forgotten me.


WAKE ME UP! Reality check please.

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I would have to choose between a million questions, including...

Why did you lead me on for so long?

Why did you lie about having lost your Virginity to me for 2.5 years?

How long were you actually in love with me?

Are you hurting at all; do you miss me?

Why weren't you honest with me?

What does he have that I don't have?

You make me feel like garbage; how weak do you really think I am?

Can't you see that I've changed?

Did you kiss him before we broke up? Did you f*ck him before we broke up?

You said you didn't want to hurt me, you said you were afraid of losing me. So why did you do it? What are your regrets; do you feel guilty at all?


None of them matter, though... What I really need to know is....


After we broke up, I broke down and told you something nobody else had ever heard, I told you because I knew I could trust you... But I bet you told him, didn't you? I'm pretty sure you did... all you do is make fun of me and hurt me now. You make me feel so weak.


EDIT: I'm still too emotional because it's still somewhat fresh, but soon enough I won't give a rat's ass about her, at least I hope! I probably wouldn't ask her anything, because she's stuck-up, selfish and she wouldn't give me the answers I want, anyhow. The only thing I need to know is what exactly she did say, and if she ran her mouth about things that were supposed to be between her and me. But I can safely say she did, because she no longer cares about me... neither do I, not half as much.

Edited by Dundas
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"None of them matter, though...". (questions)


Thats what it really comes down to.

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What possessed you to jerk off moments after breaking up with me?


Did you sleep with that girl you said you were only 'texting' while we were still together??

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Loving someone too much isn't a problem. Loving the wrong person is


It's nice to hear this Emilia..

This is why I'm still single, I just haven't met the one who loves me back the same.

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It's nice to hear this Emilia..

This is why I'm still single, I just haven't met the one who loves me back the same.

I used to think that about 'loving too much' too but love is a good thing. It just needs to be the right person :) You are only a baby :)

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I would ask her "when she plans on doing the world a favor & taking a long walk off a very tall building."


In all honesty I wouldn't ask her anything, her actions have spoken loud enough.

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I've already asked my ex all of the questions I "needed" to. Her answers, in the end, did nothing to make my life any easier, and in some cases actually made things worse. I have one thing left to say to her, and she'll never hear it, so you guys get to:


I hope that one day, we both see our breakup as a positive thing that led us into happier places in our lives. Failing that, I hope you get YOUR heart broken one day, and it makes you understand exactly how I (and no doubt others you've done this to) feel, and gives you a new perspective on relationships.

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OK you read it correctly if you could right now ask them one question ONLY what would that question be ?

Me it would be:

Are you hurting at all about last few weeks since break up ?




You go now


Why didn't you get therapy before meeting me instead of after you dumb ****?

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I been thinking about this for a long time and yet I don't have any question to ask him , I thought I had but apparently time had provided all the answers , I know why he left me I know he doesn't love me I know he is a liar and a manipulative selfish guy who broke my heart , what else I need to know ? .

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Assuming I'd get an undoubtedly honest answer:


Do you miss me and regret throwing my heart, soul and unconditional love away & stepping on it with your shoe and grinding it into the pavement?

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Was the real reason why you dated me and strung me along all this time because I looked JUST like your fiancee who you'd been cheating on that currently resides in a different country?


If that's really true, I'd be super creeped.

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