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So I just recently broke up with my girlfriend of 1.5 years. We still talk alittle, but Im trying to get over her. So Im trying to impove myself for the next girl I fall in love with. I was hoping someone had some tips to help me get over this. Im past the emotional phase, just still miss talking to her every second of the day. I work and I also made a workout plan that I will start when I go back to college and get to use the college gym. Is there anything I can do now to help motivate me to get up and run in my ghetto neighborhood? Or maybe just any tips to help me get over my ex? Maybe even some ways to boost my confidence? When I hang out with people it always seems to be the same group of people, and I want to expand and meet new people. What are some good examples of places to go with friends to meet girls? I feel more confident when Im with this group and I know confidence is key. Also do y'all have any tips on how to approach girls in environments with alot of people? I just need to start a conversation, because I'm good at keeping it going, just the approach. Also Im looking for a nice girl, not a slutty one. Im under 21 so bars are out of the question. Thanks ahead of time. I really appreciate it.

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