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hi my name is Lerks, I am in deep trouble


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My boy (INFAMOUS EMPSKI) Emps (he says hi to Taressa by the way) told me about this site, I have this problem with this beautiful perfect girl...Now just because I'm young don't dismiss my love for this girl like some sort of teenage pipe dream illusion of love...here goes, I met this lovely girl who is smart, funny, cute, reliable, and loyal. The only thing is that she doesn't date younger guys, I wanted this girl so bad it drove me to lie about my age to win her heart. So here I am, 4 months deep into this sick lie, your gonna laugh...I told her I was 18 when in reality i'm 17..."Big Deal!" you say, Thats what I thought, but I'm 110% sure that she will insta-dump me if she finds out im 17. What the hell should I do to keep her around? breaking up with her is NOT an option. I like this girl WAY too much, I'm willing to say I am in love with her. I used to gawk and wolfwhistle at girls constantly, ask Emps, we paint together often. Now i totally stopped and am commited to this lovely girl, who we'll call Jilly. What do I do o' wise sages of love? reply ASAP cuz Im totally confused.




Vishus Lerks

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You are confused, lad??? This one is easy.


Where as most people's lies will never turn into truth, yours will...in a matter of months. So sit tight, keep your mouth shut, and wait for your lie to become the truth.


She sounds like a pretty decent lass. The way you write about her, I may be falling for her myself.


Tear some pages off your calendar if you want to rush things a bit.


Your secret's safe with me!!!

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Hi Lerks,


What a treat to meet you. Please say hi right back to that wild goodie Empski for me.


Lerks, normally I would advise a man to come straight on any misleadings he has given a woman but in this case I believe it would be right to wait before giving her a jolt of truth. Time will prove your character and honest intent to her and will cement her heart on you. Eventually she'll find out your age and after learning to trust you and love you in all else, it won't seem too big a deal.


Lerks, it is a pleasure to meet. I send my best wishes and highest hopes to you for a lasting love with this special woman.


Merry Christmas to my painter friends Lerks and Infamous Empski!



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Emps is chilling, he says "hey hey" and said to tell you guys that he and Judy are doing "pretty damn swell". Thanks for the advice, I'll take it and run with it. Me and Emps have been painting alot lately and we got chased out of a backlot of this building in Manhattan by a rabid dog last night (it ripped Emps shirt, he's none too happy). But hey, thats the life of a writer ain't it? By the way, I heard about Emps telling you about me trying to steal some girl away from him...thats bulls***! he's just mad cuz I'm prettier (just kidding). Later guys, thanks for the help





Vicious Kid Lerks

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