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I hadn't slept with him yet at this point, we were only dating at the time. And it doesn't bother me that he wasn't a virgin, I know all the details of all 9 of his other sex partners, but the discovery that the last person he had sex with before our marriage was a prostitute, While the entire time he had me believe it was his ex of 5 years.

I really do feel like it would've been a huge influence on my decision to take our relationship further, and I'm just a little shocked that he was very convincing at lying about it.

I know I will get over it eventually, it's just hard to swallow at the moment. Just can't help the way I feel.

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Let me add that I thought we were exclusive, I wasnt seeing other men, and he had told me he's not seeing anyone, although i found out he had a girlfriend at the time shortly after, which was ok with me, he broke up with her before asking me to move in. I'm conservative when it comes to sexuality, so I guess i'm just not familiar with the rules of "sex and dating."

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But he's good man hes been good to me. I dont regret marrying him at all. I guess he just had to lie because he knew my views about sex.

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But he's good man hes been good to me. I dont regret marrying him at all. I guess he just had to lie because he knew my views about sex.


Whoa whoa whooaa.


That's like saying "he just had to lie because he knew I'm Mormon," or "he just had to lie because he knew I'd say no."


You feel cheated because you were.


He had a girlfriend while he was dating you? Did she think she was the only one too? Well, he just had to lie because you wouldn't have kept dating him otherwise... right?


What he did was deprive you of some serious decision-making ability by not only withholding, but outright distorting the reality of your relationship.


Maybe things have changed. Maybe he feels guilty about more than being caught.


But one thing for certain that has changed? You now know that he can lie with a straight face and never look back unless it comes back to bite him: and you will never forget that.

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But he's good man hes been good to me. I dont regret marrying him at all. I guess he just had to lie because he knew my views about sex.

That actually is something that basically all men should lie about, because almost all women will have an issue with it, even though him having seen prostitutes in the past affects nothing.

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Things that happen in the past definitely influence who you are presently. I say it will effect who you are today.


Yes. People tend to learn from your mistakes but some people are so unforgiving that apparently that is less important than who the person is in the here and now...

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uh....I mean....your guy needs to see a prostitute to get laid? Jesus....that to me is the worst part. Having to pay someone to have sex with you spells "loser" in my book. Not saying he is a bad guy for it, just that...he's....not good with the ladies.

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