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Stuck Between Friends

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Two of my best friends have been married for about 3 years now. I have know Tim since I was like 5 and Jenny and I got to be really good friends in Jr. High. I introduced them to each other and they have been together ever since.


About 6 months ago Tim came to me and told me that he thought something was up with Jenny that she had been really cold and distant and many of the usual cute lovey kind of things that he always used to do she seemed annoyed by now. He thought maybe she was cheating on him. I insisted that he was being paranoid and tried my best to make him feel better I mean I really didn't think that she would ever do anything like that.


Two months ago Jenny was supposed to meet me out for a girls night and that is exactly what she told Tim but she never showed up and then even though I was at the club all night she told Tim that she was there for like a 1 1/2 hours and that I wasn't there ( the clubs here are not big there is no way you could be there that long and not see who you were looking) so she went to another bar with some work friends she ran into.


Then Last week Tim called me at midnight and said that Jenny had picked a fight with him and been really weird and then she stormed out of the house, He asked me if I would try to find her for him cause he was worried and thought she might have been drinking so I went to the bars to look for her. Along the way I noticed her car at a stop light ahead of me and I tried to get her attention but she didn't notice me then I realized it was a guy driving and Jenny with him. She started making out with him and it was definitely not Tim. I don't know if I should have or not but I followed them and of course they went to a hotel an I realized that it was a guy from where Jenny works.


That night I was so confused I didn't know what to do I told Tim I just couldn't find her. She told him she went to her sisters.


They are both my friends and I don't want Tim to get hurt and I don't agree with what she is doing but am I supposed to just tell Tim or should I go to Jenny and let her know that I know and that I think she needs to be honest with Tim.


What would you do in my position?

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Tough spot to be in

Personally, I would tell Jenny that she has X amount of time to fess up to her husband before you tell him. I assume that SHE would want to know if the situation was reveresed, right?


She could be passing STD alongs to you friend.

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If the roles were reversed wouldn't you expect your good friend to tell you?

You need to tell Tim what you saw. He asked you already. If you are truly his friend you will tell him or are you going to wait until he gets an STD from her.

I think you owe it to your good friend to be honest with him. This seems like a no brainer. You have been his life long friend and he trusts you to tell him the truth. I wish you luck.

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Originally posted by Tough spot to be in

Personally, I would tell Jenny that she has X amount of time to fess up to her husband before you tell him. I assume that SHE would want to know if the situation was reveresed, right?


She could be passing STD alongs to you friend.


i agree with this person!


good idea... but something that u should rememeber....


If Jenny knows that u saw her she might get a bit worried.. u want to keep both friends, right? so if u do than try to setup something that they just seem to run into each other. OR it might of been a once off thing... She still has to tell him tho....


hmmm tuff situation to be in... personally i think it sucks... but u have to work it out somehow...

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