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2 loves


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My fiancee told me last night that she still loved her X boyfriend I had to question her about a lot before she told me that


She was abit evasive about answering but eventually did


This guy professed his love for her about a week ago


she blew him of then but wanted to say I love you too to him


I never knew about this till last night when she told me


I'm not sure as to how to proceed


I can not share like that


and she says she loves us both


I love her


it kills me to the depths of my soul that she cares for another person like she does me


What should I do?



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If you really love her, let her go. You will never be at peace knowing her heart is split between you and another. If she balks, insist on it. Her guilt may beckon her to remain tied to both of you. She may even see her ex in secretly rather than break up with you. Don't leave room for this to happen.


My gut feeling is that it won't last long with her ex. There were good reasons why they parted in the first place and those reasons, though perhaps dim in memory, still exist.


Go about your business and if she gets this ex out of her system, perhaps you can re-establish something. But don't let her go with that in mind. Cherish the time you spent with her and move on with your life.


The days of dueling over the affections of a female are over. It simply isn't worth dying for when there's so much love out there to be had.

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