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This is messed up

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I've been hanging out with this girl for awhile now, and were just friends. I got to really know her pretty quickly because we were always hanging out together alot.


But now I feel like I am becoming "CLINGY" to this girl.. Like for the past 2 days that I haven't seen her and we didn't talk either, i've been constantly checking on my phone to see if she would message me. Before she would message me first and ask what i am up to. I did respond to her and we chatted back and forth alot and we even talk on the phone for some time.. But now she sorta stopped messaging me.. I know she has a life and busy at times so i'm not speculating or assuming that she only wants to talk to me or hang out only with me. She has friends and things to do.


I don't want to show off as being needy or desperate.. and especially were not even together in the first place... Why do I feel like this towards a friend? This is so stupid.. Like this shouldn't be happening:confused:.. WTF... :mad:


I think it's best that I stop hanging out with her because this isn't right..


Has anything like this happened to someone on here? This is so frustrating...

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You developed a crush on a friend. That's normal when a person spends a lot of time with someone and has mutual interests. You're infatuated with her. That's normal in the initial stages of a crush, too. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it's uncomfortable and awkward since you two were just friends, but you have to confront and accept your feelings. Stop obsessing, and find other things to distract yourself in the meantime. Get to know her better and see where things fall into place. Take it slow and relax!


You'll survive, I promise. :)

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You need to make new friends and enjoy new hobbies/things of interest. The reason why you are so attached to the outcome with this one particular girl is probably because you don't have a lot going on with your own life.


When I was a teenager I remembered feel like crap when my guy friend went away with his family for 3 weeks because we were so close and I was so used to talking to him/hanging out with him. I am straight so it wasn't a romantic interest at all. Just that I had only a few "close" friends at the time it was a bit of shock when he was gone.. ha

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How old are you that you can't recognize a crush when you get one?


What's preventing you from asking her out?

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You ever consider she might be waiting for you to contact her first, now that she has made the moves, it's your turn. It's a way to prove the interest she probably is hoping you have for her. Just because a girl starts out taking the initiative, it doesn't mean she wants it to always be that way. Nobody sees that yet? It wouldn't hurt to try and see if that is the problem.

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You developed a crush on a friend. That's normal when a person spends a lot of time with someone and has mutual interests. You're infatuated with her. That's normal in the initial stages of a crush, too. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it's uncomfortable and awkward since you two were just friends, but you have to confront and accept your feelings. Stop obsessing, and find other things to distract yourself in the meantime. Get to know her better and see where things fall into place. Take it slow and relax!


You'll survive, I promise. :)


Your dead on right! Sh*t.. been out of the dating game for so long I don't even know what my emotions are sending me ... I decided that i'm going to avoid her for a bit because I am becoming too attached and it's not a good thing...

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You need to make new friends and enjoy new hobbies/things of interest. The reason why you are so attached to the outcome with this one particular girl is probably because you don't have a lot going on with your own life.


When I was a teenager I remembered feel like crap when my guy friend went away with his family for 3 weeks because we were so close and I was so used to talking to him/hanging out with him. I am straight so it wasn't a romantic interest at all. Just that I had only a few "close" friends at the time it was a bit of shock when he was gone.. ha


I agree its tough when get close to someone really quick and then the other person kind of takes it away from you. So much of a push/pull relationship... :(

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You ever consider she might be waiting for you to contact her first, now that she has made the moves, it's your turn. It's a way to prove the interest she probably is hoping you have for her. Just because a girl starts out taking the initiative, it doesn't mean she wants it to always be that way. Nobody sees that yet? It wouldn't hurt to try and see if that is the problem.


She could be.. but at the same time I feel that she is not as interested in me as I am into her. I don't disagree with you that, I shouldn't message her first. I eventually will have to message her first unless she beats me to it, but from us hanging out, she's an odd cat.. gives me some indicators of interest and at times indicators of disinterest and LJBF...

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