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does he like me???


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the moment this gut walked into my lab i thought he was cute but i never gave him another thought because i was dating a guy at the time. after a while though our groups started talking more and more in class and i realized that i really liked him i looked forward to seeing him in class and lab and was disappointed when i didn't see him. i made up my mind that i had to talk to him. so i did nothing really special just two people being polite. but we made constant eye contact. after that we didn't see eachother for awhile until midterms he found me outside the library studying and came up and talked to me he talked to me for about an hour and in the end asked me if I wanted to study with him gave me his phone number and left. icalled him that saturday to studyhe picked meup and we both went to the library. we ended up doing alot of talking. we saw and talked to eachother pretty much every day during midterms because we have a couple of classes together. finally i swallowed my pride and asked him over to my place for a moviehe said he didn't want to stay late. I invited acouple of friends as well they left at 12 and he stayed to 3 we stuck another movie in but didn't watch it we were making out and talking to much. he also gave me a ride home from class when ever he could. I think he does like me but if he does why hasn't he asked me out.

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He hasn't asked you out because he hasn't had the time or he just doesn't want to. He may be shy. He may like you so much he is just scared you may reject him if he asks you out. He may have the impression that you are always busy. Maybe he doesn't have the money right now, before Christmas. There are hundreds of reasons he hasn't asked you out. Don't drive yourself crazy about this.


If he is interested, he knows how to get ahold of you. Meanwhile, you are best served by turning your attention to other things. At this point, I don't think it would do any harm to call him and see what he's up to. You really don't have a lot to lose.

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