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My friend well she confuses me.

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My friend Thelma (for the sake of this story) and I have been friends for about 3 years. We've had sex in the past but nothing in over a year. The reason everything was cut off was because outside of sex Thelma and I didn't mesh well so we both decided it would be best to move on. So about 6 months ago I started seeing someone and currently still with my girlfriend (Josephine). I am crazy about Josephine there is no drama, jealousy, we have a healthy relationship and its great. However over the past few weeks to a month Thelma has been texting me. The texts are pretty much everyday to every other day. In one text she even said "I love you" which caught me completely off guard. Thelma has never said that I should leave my girlfriend for her but she has asked to get drinks, lunch, and dinner. Don't worry though I always make up some excuse as to why I can't go but the main reason is because I love Josephine and I wouldn't want her to go out and grab dinner with some guy.


The moral of the story is Thelma and I had a chance it didn't work and Josephine is now #1. However I feel like the only way to not upset Josephine is to cut Thelma off who btw has been one of my best friends for the past few years. Maybe I am overreacting? Or is Thelma trying to slowly ignite the fire?

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Or is Thelma trying to slowly ignite the fire?


I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, but who knows what her motivation is. Maybe she's just trying to reconnect with an old friend. You said she was one of your best friends so it doesn't seem that weird that she wants to get together.


Do you want to be friends with her again? Would your girlfriend not be okay with you having a female friend?

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I don't know why anyone would take anything someone texts them seriously. You get no feedback other than words on a screen. You can't judge emotions, body language, tone, none of that. She could have been drunk, horny, playing around, hell one of her friends could have grabbed her phone and texted that to mess with you.


Sounds like a lot of sex amoung "friends" which is likely to go south. I would decide between the girls or it's likely drama will ensure (maybe you want that though lol) when they learn the total truth about each other. Hard to tell from your details but it sounds like a risque situation to be creating.

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