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No trust, no sex... Both went outside

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So, it's been years of bad uphill, downhill battle to keep this going. But we stayed. Broke up, I moved on. Back together. Lies by me. Made up. Knew I wanted to make it work. Dedicated the last year to trying to make it up. No sex. He couldn't. I stayed cuz I love him and wanted it to work. He left, did worse... Multiple women. Relationship. Then back together. Always back together. But no trust on both sides. Now no sex on both sides BUT we say we love one another and want it to work. Is it possible after all this damage? I'm frustrated. I want him to want me... But he seems so distant yet he won't leave. Afraid he will if he meets another woman. I'm just not ok with trusting him. I question his every move. Are we wasting our time? Thank u... Need help badly. Very desperate for answers I keep turning in my head.

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So, it's been years of bad uphill, downhill battle to keep this going. But we stayed. Broke up, I moved on. Back together. Lies by me. Made up. Knew I wanted to make it work. Dedicated the last year to trying to make it up. No sex. He couldn't. I stayed cuz I love him and wanted it to work. He left, did worse... Multiple women. Relationship. Then back together. Always back together. But no trust on both sides. Now no sex on both sides BUT we say we love one another and want it to work. Is it possible after all this damage? I'm frustrated. I want him to want me... But he seems so distant yet he won't leave. Afraid he will if he meets another woman. I'm just not ok with trusting him. I question his every move. Are we wasting our time? Thank u... Need help badly. Very desperate for answers I keep turning in my head.


Definitely wasting your time, sorry to say. Nobody ever wants to leave but I think it's for the best in this situation. Too much has gone wrong, too much disloyalty / trust issues between both of you. Get out while you can and stay out.

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This relationship is dead in the water. No point in kicking a dead horse trying to get it to run. It's over.


This is so dysfunctional and toxic, and I'm willing to bet the two of you stay together for mere co-dependency, nothing more.


Nothing about this is happy, healthy, or functional.


Call it quits and move on.

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