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Not sure

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I've been divorced for 3 years, only dated one guy since my 20 year marriage ended. I ended it with the guy I was dating because after 5 months I still wasn't in love with him. I really didn't think I was capable of feeling anything for anyone else at this point. So 2 days after breaking up I meet new guy. I was on an assignment for my magazine and he was a vendor at the show. We wound up sitting and talking for hours. I felt something for him instantly. He stopped me when I was getting ready to leave 4 times. 1st for my number. 2nd to walk with me. 3rd to ask me out. 4th (now he's yelling down the middle of the street for me to come back) we kissed.

We started chatting online all day while he was at work. 8 hour conversations. Two weeks of this and we decided to meet up again. It was perfect and we kissed for hours. Another month of this and we slept together. We only get to see each other once a week he works has his business and his kids on the wkend. So last week he asks me to come over his place. And we talked for hours. He tells me he and his business partner (she's married) had been having an affair prior to us meeting. They were doing this for a few months. He was miserable, met me. Done. She knows about me, I've met her. But she's threatening him with the business to dump me and and continue where they left off. He can't afford to buy her out.

I'm supposed to see him tomorrow night again, but I feel like I'm in the middle of this big mess now. I can't just walk away because I am head over heels for this guy.

Some opinions?

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This is nothing to do with you.

But I suggest he calls her bluff and tells her that unless she behaves, he will walk away and SHE can buy HIM out.


This drama is not what you need, deserve or signed up for.


Tell him to get his act together and choose.


But if he opts for the business side of things, there's a hidden message there, somewhere.

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It will just turn into more drama and hurt for you later down the road, you need to keep your focus elsewhere. He is only the 2nd guy you met after 20 years of marriage. You will find someone else.

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