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Why do guys do this?


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My boyfriend was so sweet and he loved me so much and we had so much in common. Everything was perfect and all of a sudden he breaks up w/ me because he couldn't handle the relationship. he said his feelings changed in a week, now its been almost 3 weeks and I want him back and I'm trying my best and I dont know if its going to work or not. He's being sort of mean and gives me an attitude for no friggin reason so I've decided to ignore him until he realizes he made a mistake...if he realizes he made one at all...I dont get how guys can just turn their feelings off just like that? you dont tell a girl you love her and you're going to be with her forever and then since your feelings changed in one week, you break up with her and then your rude to her bc either you're confused or your just annoyed at the girl. I don't annoy him bc I dont talk to him that much and if I do he gives me sort of an attitude even if I didn't do anything. He's 16 and hes probably going through a lot of changes and hes probably confused and doesn't know what to do with his feelings...but he doesn't have to hurt me by being a jerk after hes already hurt me once. he said he never wanted to hurt me or see my cry...so why the hell is he doing this? He was so sweet and caring to me and I just don't understand at all but all I know is that I want him back. Why do guys do this to girls? And does he seem confused with his feelings?

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My boyfriend was so sweet and he loved me so much and we had so much in common. Everything was perfect and all of a sudden he breaks up w/ me because he couldn't handle the relationship. he said his feelings changed in a week, now its been almost 3 weeks and I want him back and I'm trying my best and I dont know if its going to work or not. He's being sort of mean and gives me an attitude for no friggin reason so I've decided to ignore him until he realizes he made a mistake...if he realizes he made one at all...I dont get how guys can just turn their feelings off just like that? you dont tell a girl you love her and you're going to be with her forever and then since your feelings changed in one week, you break up with her and then your rude to her bc either you're confused or your just annoyed at the girl. I don't annoy him bc I dont talk to him that much and if I do he gives me sort of an attitude even if I didn't do anything. He's 16 and hes probably going through a lot of changes and hes probably confused and doesn't know what to do with his feelings...but he doesn't have to hurt me by being a jerk after hes already hurt me once. he said he never wanted to hurt me or see my cry...so why the hell is he doing this? He was so sweet and caring to me and I just don't understand at all but all I know is that I want him back. Why do guys do this to girls? And does he seem confused with his feelings?

I went through much the same thing the only thing you can do is move on with life the best you can and show him that you can do alot better which i am sure you can and that you are happy without him. Spend time with friends and family members to keep you mind off him it will hurt the first few times you see him and gradually the pain will get smaller and smaller. i hate to tell you this but that line he told you of his feelings just changing in a week was probably just that a line and not the truth he had either been thinking about it for a long time or he didn't like you so much in the first place . Give your self some time to heal and then find someone new and better. obviously there is some one out there that is better for you just wait and see(i found someone) I can give you advice until your ears hurt but the truth of the matter if you truly loved him it will hurt and the love may never go away but you can't hold onto the hurt forever it will destroy you. Your feelings for him will just have to change and trust me they will. It all jsut takes time and you have to just go through the stages of heartbreak no matter how much they hurt

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Most young people are extremely fickle. Changing his feelings in a week is a pretty long time for a 16 year old. You seem a lot more mature.


Until you get older and are able to date older guys, you are likely to experience a lot of guys like this. It just takes males a lot longer to grow up mentally and emotionally.


Guys in their teens are just beginning to blossom socially and many are like kids in a candy store. There are so many girls out there...and so little time. Most young guys aren't looking for relationships, they are looking for a good time. Even the ones who will date a girl for a while don't have much of a clue about why they do what they do. Many just want a chick to do things with sometimes...but would rather hang with their male buddies.


Don't waste your time trying to figure out men. It can't be done. In return, I'll stop trying to figure out women. Deal?


Keep the faith. Your true love will find you one day...but probably not real soon.

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It's really not so much a guy thing, as a people thing. People's feelings change and we can't stop it from happening. One of the problems is people say things that sound great, and it makes them feel great when they say them, like "I'll love you forever."


We all want to believe someone who says wonderful things to us, but they really are just words. It takes time to see if they are more than just talk.


This guy sounds pretty insensitive to your feelings to have lead you on and then drop you cold. Even though you say he was sweet, how sweet could he be if he did that to you?

Most young people are extremely fickle. Changing his feelings in a week is a pretty long time for a 16 year old. You seem a lot more mature. Until you get older and are able to date older guys, you are likely to experience a lot of guys like this. It just takes males a lot longer to grow up mentally and emotionally. Guys in their teens are just beginning to blossom socially and many are like kids in a candy store. There are so many girls out there...and so little time. Most young guys aren't looking for relationships, they are looking for a good time. Even the ones who will date a girl for a while don't have much of a clue about why they do what they do. Many just want a chick to do things with sometimes...but would rather hang with their male buddies. Don't waste your time trying to figure out men. It can't be done. In return, I'll stop trying to figure out women. Deal? Keep the faith. Your true love will find you one day...but probably not real soon.
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Oh man, the same thing happened to me and I was devastated. It had only been 2 weeks but I thought he was incredible. He was sexy, intelligent, charming...but then, yesterday, he just started to be really cold toward me and, to be honest, mean. I had no idea where it came from and it shocked me beyond belief. We has so much in common and understood eachother, or so I thought.


I was so hurt that I cried at work and went to my bosses house and cried some more. Damn. It hurt like a b*tch but guess what: I'm feeling better already. I realized that I wouldn't want to be with someone who treats me that shabbily. Best of luck to you and please, move on. You will only feel stronger. :)

My boyfriend was so sweet and he loved me so much and we had so much in common. Everything was perfect and all of a sudden he breaks up w/ me because he couldn't handle the relationship. he said his feelings changed in a week, now its been almost 3 weeks and I want him back and I'm trying my best and I dont know if its going to work or not. He's being sort of mean and gives me an attitude for no friggin reason so I've decided to ignore him until he realizes he made a mistake...if he realizes he made one at all...I dont get how guys can just turn their feelings off just like that? you dont tell a girl you love her and you're going to be with her forever and then since your feelings changed in one week, you break up with her and then your rude to her bc either you're confused or your just annoyed at the girl. I don't annoy him bc I dont talk to him that much and if I do he gives me sort of an attitude even if I didn't do anything. He's 16 and hes probably going through a lot of changes and hes probably confused and doesn't know what to do with his feelings...but he doesn't have to hurt me by being a jerk after hes already hurt me once. he said he never wanted to hurt me or see my cry...so why the hell is he doing this? He was so sweet and caring to me and I just don't understand at all but all I know is that I want him back. Why do guys do this to girls? And does he seem confused with his feelings?
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