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10 Pounds! What A Difference?

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Is it just me, or does it seem 10 pounds of weight loss makes a big difference in appearance?

I was looking at pics of me 10 LBS lighter, and it makes a big difference in me! AND YES, IT'S DEF 10 POUNDS ONLY! ACCORDING TO THE MEDICAL SCALES.

So is it just me, or do other women notice this?

Could it be my height (5'3'')? :bunny:

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Sure it would. Think about it, that's a small bowling ball worth of weight. The weight of a newborn baby. Of course it would make a big difference!

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Try finding pictures of yourself 20LBS lighter, THEN, youll see a difference....GRRRRRR. Aw well, Ive lost 8 of those 20 so here I go

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Congrats tread-mill girl. Think of it this way. Look at 1 lb of meat in the grocery. Now look at ten of those. That's how much you've essentially lost. Congrats again!

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height makes some difference, but total overweight does too. If I was 150 lbs overweight, 10lbs might not LOOK like a lot, but on someone who's only 25 lbs overweight, that 10 lbs is 40% of the overweight. Depends on where you carry it, too. Lots of people carry the weight all over, so it doesn't look like as much as someone who carries it all in their thighs.


In any event, 10 lbs, or even 2 lbs lost is significant, because even a three-thousand-mile journey progresses only one step at a time.

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Listen, not to sound weight obssessive, but here's what I ate today, is it too much food?

5'3'' female at age 25-med bone structure/large frame


1 Buttered Bagel


1 sm Caesar salad


1 apple w/ a few fat free pretzels

Dinner plan:

For dinner I want:

A fruit salad / lean cusine


I eat maybe a little more than this when I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm working out for 20 min on my manual treadmill later too.


Does this sound like it could do the job?

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Even though I'm male I've been on a diet of sorts recently and i've managed to loose about 15lb in the space of a month.


Gym x 3 times a week for 30 minute workout plus some weights

Swimming for 20 minutes twice a week.


I didn't really change my diet but I cut out all of the bad stuff.


Chocolate, Cheese, Burgers, Cream (this includes sauces with pastas or salads), Fries and Crisps.


Breakfast: Corn Flakes and then a banana

Lunch: Tuna/Ham Salad roll

Snack: Any fruit or even raw carrots

Dinner: Normal dinner but I avoid the bad foods.


I find myself having to resist temptation to grab some choclate in the shops or getting fries when out for dinner. The one thing I found I could have in McDonalds was chicken nuggets nothing else.


Your food intake sounds fine, though i'd try and eat a regular dinner rather than just fruit salad.

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  • 2 weeks later...


What you're eating doesn't sound TOO bad but remember bagels are a LOT of carbs...one bagel equals 6 slices of bread. Also, sometimes the dressing you get for caesar salad is so full of fat it makes your attempt at eating healthy a failure. Believe me....a while ago I thought I was eating healthy by having salad when I went with my bf to fast food places but THEN I found out the salad dressing they offer at Wendy's and McDonald's make choosing salad almost as bad as eating something greasy....it sucks but it's true. Just be careful!

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I actually have gained 10 pounds in the last 3 months and I can tell the difference. I really need to lose them!!!

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How'd you do it Katie? What's your secret, if there is one.


I'm dieting right now, and having somewhat of a hardtime.

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Just exercising and eating less.

Yes, I still had carbs.


Breakfast: 1/2 bagel w/butter

Lunch: fruit salad


dinner:Weight Watchers/Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice Dinner


Treadmill 4 days a week, sometimes more sometimes less. It took about a month and two weeks.


I need to loose another 10 however.

Starting Monday....diet time!

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When I lost weight two years ago I lost 30 pounds just by cutting out soda, and fast food. I would pack a lunch like a sandwich instead of eating out ( I worked at the mall) I did about 30 minutes 3 times a week of cardio to burn at least 300 calories per session and then I did strenght training 3 times a week and as I built more muscle I lost weight faster.


I stopped drinking alcohol also, well cut it down to once a week. The more tone I became the easier it was for me to eat what I wanted or splurger on fatty foods and it didn't effect me because I kept to my work out schedule religiously.


This last year I slacked a little and gained about 6 pounds mostly in my a** and hips and let me tell you how hard it is to loose a**!! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things though.

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About a year ago I lost 30lbs over the summer doing Weight Watchers and it was so easy it was incredible. I loved it so much. I know that sounds weird but all I was doing for exercise was biking everywhere all the time, which is something I normally did anyways in the summer.....plus, I could eat normal food, just smaller portions of it. The awesome part about weight watchers is that you can HAVE a piece of junk food now and then (even every day if you want) as long as it fits into the total amount of points you're allowed to have in a day. That way you don't feel deprived. There's even these special chocolate weight watcher muffins I make sometimes that are absolutely delicious (they taste like a cross between chocolate muffins and brownies) and they're very low in points.


I'm trying to lose 20lbs right now, hopefully most of that before Christmas. I'm going to do weight watchers again because I'm really good by now at knowing how many points everything is and because it's not difficult. I also drink 4 bottles of water a day, run on the treadmill at least 5 times a week and make sure i eat at least 5 servings of fruits/veggies a day. That's all it takes people!! You could do it too if you want it bad enough :)

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i was 135lbs, 5'2" andl lost 20 lbs and it makes a BIG difference. i went from size 10/12 to a 0/2. this was over the period of a year though.

It is easy once you work on portions, for instance, i still eat burgers but no sauce at all. then never get fries!

i eat about 800---1200 calories a day, i dont care about how many carbs or grams of fat--just caloric intake.

i also cut the regular sodas and go for the diets and lots of water. i look back at how i used to eat and it was sooo bad--lots of fried foods, mcdonalds 3x/week, two pieces of cake : ). I can still eat cake..just 1/2 slice at a time now!! now i am 115 and it is sooo tough to get down a few more lbs. if i indulge a week, i can easily get back up 3-4 lbs!

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I definitely wouldn't mind weighing 115lbs....I think I'd have a stroke if that's what the scale said. Who knows...a few more months and I could be there, all I have to lose is 2lbs a week. Yay can't wait! :)

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Well I'm 6'1" and down to 176lbs from 200lbs. Thats in just under 2 months. Its made a huge difference, none of my clothes fit my any more. Shirts looks like their drowning me and i have to wear a belt now with all my trousers. Losing weight is expensive.


I'm determined to lose another 6-8lbs and then work on putting the weight back on again but as muscle rather than fat ;)

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My highest weight ever was 186 when I was 11 years old. My lowest was 118 (but that went back up to 125-130 a month later). At 118. I wore a 6. I was never a 0/2. I am only 5'3'' too, I guess my frame and bone structure is much bigger than yours!

Anyway, I am working on shedding the pounds slowly but surely...

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  • 11 months later...
Ms. DysFUNction
Listen, not to sound weight obssessive, but here's what I ate today, is it too much food?

5'3'' female at age 25-med bone structure/large frame


1 Buttered Bagel


1 sm Caesar salad


1 apple w/ a few fat free pretzels

Dinner plan:

For dinner I want:

A fruit salad / lean cusine


I eat maybe a little more than this when I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm working out for 20 min on my manual treadmill later too.


Does this sound like it could do the job?


I'm 5'4" and would shrivel up and die on this diet! I eat way more than that especially for Breakfast and Lunch. Breakfast is the fuel of the day to get you going. One measley bagel wouldnt do it. For me mostly all natural and healthy is the plan. I typically eat a BIG bowl of oatmeal with fresh blueberries, butter and honey. Plus a big glass of tea with Soymilk and honey. Then usually a banana or orange as I'm heading out the door. A bag of baby carrots always go in my car for me to munch on, plus granola bars slathered w/peanut butter and honey.

I could go on....but my advice is to cut out the BAD carbs, like white flour bagels :sick: white flour noodles...white rice, white bread. Whole grains are GOOD4U. And personally I focus on quality eating rather than watching the quanities. I eat till I'm satisfied, drink lots of water (approx 12 cups a day) and eat a moderate amt of Darkish Chocolate.


Oh and Treadmills get real boring real quick, so find an activity you enjoy to keep burnin da Phat!


~Be Well~

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