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Everyone : Define * Games *

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There's a book called:


Games People Play

The Psychology of Human Relationships

Dr. Eric Berne


It's pretty good, but it gets kind of pompous.

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When you say one thing but mean another.


When you toy around with the other's emotions.


When you do something expecting the other to do something else in response.

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Here's what I learned, I could be off track.


There's social programming, and individual programming.


Social programming is the common accepted form of interacting in a society.

Individual programming is a pattern of breaking those rules. Those are Games People Play.


The key point he makes that really struck me, is that games are "substitutes for the real living of real intimacy."

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That which I most dislike about 'games' is that they are used to manipulate. In manipulating someone, you deny that person his dignity.

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In the introduction, he says the purpose of games are:

1. The relief of tension

2. The avoidoance of noxious situations

3. The procurement of stroking

4. The maintainance of an established equilibrium

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That's nice. A little too benign, IMHO, unless you broaden the meaning of 'stroking' pretty far.

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any form of play; amusement


Personal amusement, that's usually the reason people play games. They dont intend for the other person to win. It's actually kinda like a game of solitaire only you're playing with someone elses feelings instead of cards.


To bad really, it's always funner to play stip poker instead of solitaire ;)

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Originally posted by Mary3

Everyone please define * Games * that men and women play . Your input is greatly appreciated ! :)


Well, we play Outburst and Monopoly and various forms of movie-related trivial pursuit games. Scrabble and Dominoes come out too. Sometimes we play Risk and Axis & Allies and Grand Imperilasim and Democracy (the guys hate when I win those war games and I pretty-much always do!) We play Rail Road Tycoon and Poker too. We have a lot of games that we play with other couples, including our own version of Win, Lose or Draw which is great fun at a party. Mind Trap and Mind Trap II are my favorites, but it's hard to find anyone who wants to play those with me. Sometimes we just play Rummy.




I think my least favorite game is "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you" which usually stems from hurt feelings and escalates into a big fight. We don't play that one anymore. ;)

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Flirting, keeping the other person unsure, testing the will, desire.... you know, childish stuff. Are quite amusing if played with moderation.

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