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Being Used and Left Alone

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Remember my friend I told you of who would only hang out with me sometimes well we still have not hung out in quite a while now its likely never to happen due to her 2 jobs. But she sure can be on Facebook 24/7. Since her latest FB post she says she got a iphone so I know she will bug me just to help her work on it by adding music and apps. She only comes to me when she needs help with something or a favor. I hate this I have told her before how I dislike it but she keeps doing it time and time again. Or only hits me up when she is bored.

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Yeah it sucks to feel used and abused, haha. But remember, it's also up to us... and how available we make ourselves to be.


If we're going to act like that loyal puppy, then she knows she has you wrapped around her little finger.


Take a stand for yourself!

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