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Do transition relationships EVER become real?

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So, on several of my threads, many know that I'm D'ing my H. After years of emotional abuse, withholding intimacy, et al. I've reached the point where this is over.


I'm in therapy. I'm salvaging myself emotionally, financially, spiritually, et al.




In addition, I have become friends with someone who's really been a great sounding board for me. He also is attracted to me and me to him.


So here's my question:


OM and I often talked a great deal about being together including taking weekend trips together.


Anyway, I do like him. Yet, recently informed him that I need to say goodbye for now. The D is so emotionally overwhelming, that to involve a new partner is both unfair and can have no real benefit.


But...I do care for him and can see a R with him in the future.




Does ending a R during a separation increase the chances of it becoming a healthier one?


Does anyone have experience with asking a potential partner to wait until after D and it working out?


Are all Rs during seperation doomed to never become real?


Thanks guys!!!!

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