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Trying to move on...?

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This is my first time posting but hopefully you all can help me.


Me and a coworker had a fling about 2 months ago but before that we were talking for about 4-5 months prior. He told me he didn't want a relationship which was fine at the time. Now since we have hooked up he treats me like crap. When I tried to avoid hooking up with him he said he felt led on. I ended up giving in and we had fling. He was the one in the beginning who gave me his number and was trying to talk to me but I kinda brushed it off because I was unsure if he liked me back. He blew hot and cold, sometimes he would text me back and sometimes not. Once we started talking I ended up liking him more. We went through periods where we didn't talk because I found out he was talking with other people and didn't want to get hurt. When I started to ignore him he claims that he doesn't care but at the same time he acts like it. Prime example I wasn't talking to him at work one day and the next day I was in his way and told him hey "why didn't you tell me I was blocking where you needed to go" and he said "well you wasn't talking with me" and I'm like "don't act like you care that i'm not speaking to you" and then he "said with an attitude well i'm not talking to you now" and walked off. Now I am trying to move on because he has a girlfriend but I still like him. I just wants us to be friends again. When I try to joke or be touchy feely with him he takes everything I do so serious when I am just trying to be nice and playful. What do I do? He avoids me at work and when I try to talk with him he calls me immature names for no reason. I only backed off because I thought he didn't like me. Any advice on how to handle this will be great!!!

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You drop it now before he goes to HR and gets you in trouble. Then you learn from this and don't get involved with coworkers again. Nothing good will ever come of of fraternizing at work. I don't think there's anything you can do to save anything as it sounds like he wants to distance himself from you completely. It might suck but you should be worried about your career before some silly guy at work. Maybe ask to transfer to a different department (out of sight out of mind) but otherwise I would just start ignoring him completely (as much as your tasks allow you to that is).

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