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Guys: Do you mention your girlfriends to other girls?

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I think my ex co-worker thinks I am giving him mixed signals & is scared I like him romantically when I don't (he would be a good friend but as a lover I would want someone more on my level romantically). I asked to swap numbers with him after I told him I found him interesting. He also spoke to me like a good friend sometimes so another reason why I thought it was harmless (he friendzoned me and NEVER showed romantic interest). So when I asked for his number he asked if I hung out with the "macho"guys in my dept & I said no. Then the girls in my dept. & I said no. He spoke to me about how busy he was as well. So we get each other numbers and says he'll text me for coffee. A week passes by and I hear nothing- So I text him a week later and we have innocent chatter and I told him I genuinely liked him (after he said he thought he was annoying) & rather see him face-to-face than on FB. He didn't respond to that part. I texted him 2x weeks after and he said I heard he was in the store and wanted to see him to get some coffee. He didn't respond to the coffee part but did to everything else. I thought if he sees me as a friend and vice versa what's the deal? he's always tried to get my attention at work and he thinks I'm interesting. So I was really confused and lost-was there something wrong with me?


So then a week later HE SHOWS up at my work unannounced to say hi to me AND his manager and to tell me he didn't have his old work shirts to give me. He apologizes for not texting me back on the hangouts because he was "so busy" (BS, no one is that busy). I told him I thought he was more interesting than the other people in the store and he brought up the macho guys and wondered what I thought about him. He also said he was still gonna shop here. AFTER HE leaves his manager tells me he told her how pretty he thought I was. She said he's told her a few other times and then said "man, if I didn't have a gf." Not only do I feel dumb because I asked for his number, but how come he couldn't just say in the first place "hey, I have a girlfriend and it wouldn't be right if you and I spent time with each other." I haven't heard from him since (he left on vacay a few weeks after).

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It depends. Sometimes men like to not give away information that they've never been asked such as in this case, you never asked him if he had a girlfriend so he doesn't have to tell you if he does or doesn't. It's simple, you don't ask me, I won't tell you. Plus there's no need to just let someone else know everything about you. This goes for both women and men.


Plus maybe the guy thought you were also interesting too, and thought that you and him could have something going on later on in the future. Never know.

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