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I'm 15, new to girls, but I'm developing strong feelings already!

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I'm a 15-year-old boy from the U.K, and I've never had a girlfriend, and quite honestly have had very little interaction with girls. I moved house when I was 8, which is probably the cause for my strong shyness.


Most other boys at my school are either very confident with girls and can already easily interact with them, or aren't bothered by them at all anyway. I've been shy until lately when I've been trying very hard to boost my confidence with both boys and girls, the boys bit now comes easily to me but I'm still a very shy around girls. The main way I interact with any girls is through instant messaging programs, which doesn't really seem to mean anything, and sometimes can make conversation become misinterpreted and not flow properly. The next day I'm shy to talk to girls that I talk to each night on instant messaging programs.


Okay, so there's the setting, now, recently (well this sorta started 3 months ago, but has grown stronger recently) I've had a crush on a girl who seems to be the subject of quite a few boys' conversations, yet she is a little shy sometimes too. She is not currently dating anyone, but (excuse my ill knowledge of what happens in relationships) she is good friends with a 17-year-old and snogs him every day, and there are rumours he has had sex with her.


I talk to her over the internet almost every night, but I've never even had one proper conversation in real life with her, because I'm too shy to say anything, and when she says anything I make a quick response then say nothing else because I cannot think how to continue the conversation. I try to act confident around her, but still there is no interaction. I'm not sure whether she likes me, or whether she just seems to be someone who flirts with every boy she meets. I get jealous whenever I see her even talk to another boy because I have so little activity with her.


I really like this girl but am not sure whether I even know her enough to say that. I'm not a total dork or anything, but I have had my dorky incidents, and I am very sensitive, as you can probably tell.


What should I do now? I would like to get into a relationship with her but I don't think I know her well enough, because of my small amount of knowledge of relationships. Help!

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The next time you send her an email message, ask her if she'd like to see a movie with you Friday night. Or go to a sports game or whatever you would like to invite her to do with you. If she is seeing someone else she will tell you and say "no thank you" and be flattered. But she might just go out with you!!! :D



Everyone has to start somewhere. Relax. Ask her about herself. Her interests. School. Music.

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