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i need help with trusting again

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my gf of 8 years told me about three months ago she kissed her bestfriend and that she had feelings for him but she wanted to stay with me. she told that me trying to understand and work through this made those feelings go away. so we been working real hard to straighten things out . but she still will not let me talk to him she afraid ill hurt him which the thought has crossed my mind i cant lie. but my problem is how do i trust her again thats the problem i have everytime she is 2 minutes late i freak out thinking she is with him now she tells me she hasnt talk to him since the kiss. but your never really sure does anyone have any trust building techinques they could share to help me out.

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I never had trust issues but recently read that " you should never trust someone completely and they should never trust you completely "


I know that goes against everything you ever heard but it makes sense. If you trust someone completely ,that they will NEVER cheat that seems somewhat unrealistic in thought , in case they do and the total devastation that it could cause....so the best way is to assume that they could cheat .


That might not be what you want to hear but its from the heart.

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