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You think of another woman when you husband cheat on you

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I'm new on this site. My name is Emma. I don't want to bore you too long but I'm a young 25 year old lawyer,married and I think I'm falling in love with another woman.


At the same time I learn that my husband been cheating on me.


Ok I agree that would have been enough for one week but I had to push it and break my ankle on Monday.


Hope we can share about all this even if it's yo talk about your experience on crutches.




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I'm a married woman attracted to another woman in my office. This morning i learn that my husband is cheating on me.


I don't usually post on these sites and just so lonely with a dam broken leg on top of it.



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Emma, this website is meant to be used as a public forum to share each other's experiences with the whole community. It's not a forum to solicit private communications via email....


Why don't you tell us more about what happened?

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