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Am I thinking into things too much?

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Alright, first time on here. I will just jump into the details.

I've known this guy,or really,known about this guy for about 5 years. When I was in Middle School,eighth grade I met him. I hadn't talk to him,just knew him and he sat in front of me. Well, Later that year,things happened and he later knew who I was a bit stupid mistake.


We stopped talking up until this year,actually last week. We reconnected,we never dated. But we had a bit falling out because of something I did in the past. He saw me where I work and I didn't know it was him, He looked very different to me. I thought he was a friend of the his. Turns out wasn't a friend,was him. He looked at me almost in shock or surprise. Then the next day I went on my facebook, I saw a friend request,from known other than him. That's when I realized,it was him.


Sorry for the long story,trying to fit most the details in so It's a bit clearer for if it's nothing or something.


I then was going to just dismiss everything but I messaged him and said, I was surprised to see the request after everything that happened. He basically said, yeah,that he had grown up since then and if I wanted to text him,I could. He left his number, I did text him.


Now ever since that day we've been texting non-stop. He brings up the past says things like, I surprise him. How we'd get along really good together and all. He also was the one who brought up the idea of me to call him. That time,the first time on the phone we spent the whole night into the morning talking. About so much different things. However, he brings up his girlfriend every now and again but then talks about how he loves her and he'd be lost without her. But, he can't completely trust her.

I rarely text him first and he is almost always the one to text me first and be the one to bring up talking on the phone. I know his girlfriend doesn't know of our past but I can't but feel a bit confused about what's going on between us.

My sister even things something's going on,that he might want me. But it's too soon for me to be able to tell, because we haven't hung out yet just been texting because we both work and it's been crazy lately.


Any thoughts?

I also won't say anything to him about this,because just in case it's nothing I don't wanna be that girl,who messes friendship up. As well as he has a girlfriend and I will never do that to someone when it was done to me.

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