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I noticed something rather strange, so if could simply say what youthink, that would be great.


I have hard time going to sleep. Even in my most hard days, where I get up early in the morning, got o school and run in half the town. The weird part is that I think I'm afraid to go to sleep. I can't do the normal thing like:"wow, it's 11:30, I'd better go to bed now". I hate staying in the dark and trying to fall asleep. I think and think and think and ... I worry. Then I sleep really bad.


So what I do is I run myself down. Either reading or writing or watching films. And when I feel I cannot keep my eyes opened, I switch off the lights. On the contrary, when I sleep with my bf, I seem to focuss on him and I sleep like a baby. He is different. He adores staying in bed and sleeping. And hates me, because when I go to bed I get to relax withhim being around and sleep like a log. It's just that I'm usually warn off. HE can stay hours in bed and not actually sleep. I suspect I tick him off with my profound sleep.




This is what I suspect: I suspect I don't relax enough and that I am under a lot of stress. There is also the fact that one year before I had a 4 years relationship and for the past 2 we would live together(share a bed). Maybe I'm like Pavlov's dog. I got used to sleep with someone and when that doesn't happen I end up sleep deprived, lool.




Anyway, sometimes I need to look fresh. IT does kill me that at times, I am so tired over the day, yet I cannot break the pattern. It's like 1 AM the earliest. Usual time 2:30. LATE 3:30. And most of the times I get up at 7. I even think of taking some light sleeping pill. Am I overreacting?

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Tried it. But blood keeps pumping through my veins like madman and I still need the 15 minutes at least to caml down.


It's the fact that I hate waiting to fall asleep that bugs me. I want to be able to go to bed switch off the light ans fall asleep in the next 2-3minutes. That's all. And trust me, after being out of the house for 12 hours you don't quite feel like working your abs!

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You need to do the excercise at least an hour before bedtime.


But you have to get into a routine. You have to teach your subconscious when sleepy time is.


Also, hide your clocks and watches. I haven't worn a watch for years (it interferes with my movements while I work), and I fall asleep like clockwork.


Then again, my mind is wasted after a day of exhaustive shacking, and I need my Z's :p

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