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I have a boyfriend, yet I like my friend !HELP!

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Here's my story !

I am dating this guy for sometime now. He's a sweetheart and he's crazyyy about me. I really care for him too.It's hard not to.Sometimes I think I am in love with him, as I get jealous and mad when I hear about his ex at times. and I get upset if he snaps or just raises his voice a bit !Guess I'm spoilt :)


Now, Flashback.I have a friend and we are really close.We have a lottt in common.No wonder we are friends !He has been single for ages and so was I before I started seeing my bf. We went for drives, parties, etc. We loved each other's company. While his cousins and my friends REALLY wanted us to date each other we were "just friends". (Maybe the fact that a friend of his was in LOVE with me, made him feel weird about it.)


At one point I met my bf and we started talking and knowing each other and gradually started dating.Oneday he comes to me and tells me that he met this girl and she's really sweet. That's when I realised that I have a crush on him. I felt pain everytime he used to tell me about their new development,ask me for advises and after 2 weeks they started going out.I was sooo angry, not knowing why. :mad:


Anyway, they broke up after 1 month and even ceased to talk to each other,He said that he didn't want to mislead her into thinking that there would be anything serious between them as she seems to be falling for him already(too soon for that i would say) I felt so guilty. Coz in some way I am doing exactly that with my bf. He is so sweet.I don't want to hurt him.


Now that my friend is single I am more confused. What do you think I should do? Tell him about my feelings? What if he doesn't feel the same way?That will make our relationship complicated. And,then I will lose my bf too.

Am I crazy? what do you think? :confused:

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Hey naturalle, ok you are in a sticky situation. (pls ignore my name... couldn't think of much better).


I am in a very similar situation, i've been with my bf nearly 2 years, keep feeling like i'm falling for my male friend of 5 years. Me and my bf are in love, we have what could be described as a perfect relationship, we have never argued and cherish one another completely. I keep thinking about my friend as more than he can be whilst i'm with my bf.



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Hey naturalle, ok you are in a sticky situation. (pls ignore my name... couldn't think of much better).


I am in a very similar situation, i've been with my bf nearly 2 years, keep feeling like i'm falling for my male friend of 5 years. Me and my bf are in love, we have what could be described as a perfect relationship, we have never argued and cherish one another completely. I keep thinking about my friend as more than he can be whilst i'm with my bf.



I love him,

i know hes right for me,

how can i know it would work out with my friend?

How can i be so selfish and so uncontrolled to let myself fall for another???

I have chosen my bf because we have something special, maybe one day if my bf and i break up and me n my friend r still close something could happen.....?

But not now.

You should choose and then work from there.

You have the rest of your life to try it out with the friend, i would say stay with ur bf and enjoy ur relationship while it lasts x


Sorry if i have repeated some, accidently pressed 'enter' half way thru!

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Hey moose_poop.

Thanx a lot for yr advise. You are right. This is so wrong...

That's why I feel really guilty. I know in life, u shud make choices...u can't hav the cake n eat it too...right. Hopefully I'll make the right ones.

and LOL....wassup with "moose" n you guyz? :D

Take care !

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All I can say is that you only have one shot at life, so don't let this be one of those moments where you should have said something, but didn't, because you will regret it for the rest of your life. Besides if you bf truly loves and cares about you, then he will beable to let you go.


You need to tell your friend how you feel because you may very well be much more happy with him.

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