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why didn't he mention me to her?

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okay, I'm not one to be in a relationship for a long time. i don't know if i am scared of commitment or what, but before my now-bf, my longest relationship was 3 months.


i have been with my bf now for 7 months and things couldn't be better. i love everything about him. i know for a fact that he loves me too. don't ask me how, i just know. anyway, here's my problem.


just a few weeks ago this girl that goes to tech with him mentioned to him that she likes him. she wrote a note asking if he had a girlfriend, (sounds like a 6th grade crush doesn't it.) and she thought it would be neat if they dated. well, he showed me the letter, (we don't hide anything from each other) and then threw it away. it didn't bother me until i found out that my bf hasn't told this girl that he's with me! it upset me a lot and i was wondering if i am just over reacting or if he really should have told her. please reply so i can get some feedback on how i should have reacted.

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A couple of questions:


Does he know this girl? Are they friends? Do they talk regularly?


If you can answer yes to any of these, then I think that I would be upset. Chances are, that if they talk regularly or if they are friends, then Im sure the topic of her wanting to date him has come up somewhere, and its then that he should have mentioned you. If they dont talk at all and are not friends, I would not expect my BF to just go up to her out of the blue and tell her that he has a GF or in this case, write a letter back to her telling her about you. If this is the case then I would think that what he did, throwing the letter away and ingnoring her would be fine.

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