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please help, i need advice, how to go about confornting him

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well ive met this man off the internet and now we have been dateing for 4 weeks now. he tells me he loves me and even took me to meet his family in another state.. and tell me how i make him so happy..


well he told me his password to his email account and i guess he forgot he told me and well ive been checking his mail and find all theses emails from other woman wanting to meet him and then i check his replys to there emails and he was telling them he loved them and wanting to meet them tonight.

so i made up a screen name and acted like a diffrent person and had him to agree to meet her. well i sign off that screen name and i called hm and we was rishing to get off the phone because he thought this fake person was coming over... i just dont know what to do.... please help me

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If you have access to his email, copy and paste all these emails to and from these other women into one huge Word document and email all of it to him. Then drop off of the face of the earth. Don't contact him in any way and don't accept any of his correspondence. He's playing you for a fool. How many STD's do you think you could catch from this guy? Icky. :sick: Sorry he's a turd, you can find someone much better!

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Not all men you meet online are dogs but since he's told you that he loves you and wants to be with you, blah blah blah, then he shouldn't be doing this...



Yes Pookette has a good idea...but if you do this he may change his email password and you won't be able to check it anymore (not that you should have anyway but since he gave it to you & you couldn't trust him, I don't blame you I may have done the same, maybe depending on the situation.)


Anyway IF you really want to comfront him then you should email all these girls, email them a copy of ALL these emails, and let them know he's running game and this should put some heat on him, then let him know you did this and that you're calling his bluff, games over and you're moving on........



You deserve better!

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Well dont let on that you've been reading his email, that will scare him off completely.


I guess he's keeping his options open at the moment though I wouldn't take the "I love you" at face value. Have you decided if your going to be exclusive with your dating or is it still casual at the moment? Maybe its something you need to talk about if your feelings are serious towards this guy.

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well heres the situation, hes in the navy and we are 4 hours apart and hes been married before but anyways he suppose to be coming to see me next weekend and i was thinking about confronting him in person then over the internet.. he has made it known that he only wants to be with me,, hah but thats not case i see though since i found those emails, i dont get why he took me to meet his family and everything and they loved me, i dont get why some men like to have there cake and eat it too... im just so upset and mad, i really care a great deal about this man, ive fallen in love with him but i cant keep going on knowing what i know now

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