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Betrayed and hurt

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Update. Need help!! My husband whom I am now back with trying to make things work called me at work this morning to yell at me. I left my cell phone at home. He turned it on and seen a text message from my friend that I was recently talking to while me and my husband were seperated. The message said "are you okay you seemed upset". I never cheated on my huband with the friend but do have strong feelings for him. My husband knows we are friends. The problem is that my husband asked me yesterday when the last time I spoke to "my friend" and I told him about a week ago and then he sees this message that says i spoke to him a couple of days ago. I didnt lie to my husband I had thought that it was a week ago but it was only a couple of days ago. Anyway when he called me at work he was yelling and telling me that I needed to tell him the truth. That he is going to leave with the kids if I dont. I told him that we are only friends (because that is the truth). He told me to call my guy friend and tell him I cant speak to him anymore. If I didnt he would go to his work and kill him and hurt me. I am so upset. My husband has invaded my privacy and to make matters worse I am not cheating and he is accusing me telling me to get rid of my friend. I want things to work with my husband but I cant take this anymore. What should I do? Does he have the right to be mad? Please help.

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He turned it on and seen a text message from my friend that I was recently talking to while me and my husband were seperated.


How long ago did you get back together? It seems as if it was just very recently.


I never cheated on my huband with the friend but do have strong feelings for him. My husband knows we are friends.


Your husband does have the right to be mad if he knows you have strong feelings for your friend.


He told me to call my guy friend and tell him I cant speak to him anymore. If I didnt he would go to his work and kill him and hurt me.


You should take this threat seriously and call the police.


My husband has invaded my privacy and to make matters worse I am not cheating and he is accusing me telling me to get rid of my friend. I want things to work with my husband but I cant take this anymore.


You should initiate no contact with this friend of yours if you want things to work with your husband. It sounds as if you have an strong emotional connection with the friend that could turn to something else. It's good you didn't cheat on him, but as long as this other guy is in your life, your husband probably won't trust you. I know I probably wouldn't if I were in his shoes. The threats are on a whole other level, however. Do you want to stay with someone who is threatening to kidnap your children, kill your friend and hurt you??? I seriously think you should contact the police about this. Domestic abuse kills people. Not just people, but children too.

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My and my husband have been back together for about three weeks. He was recently abusive to me and did drugs and he said that it was okay for me to be friends with this other guy. He quit being abusive about a year ago and just recently quit the drugs. He doesn't know that I have feelings for this guy and the reason I think I have feelings is because me and my husband were not getting along until recently. He was mad because I supposedly lied about how long it has been since I spoke to my friend. Not because we were friends and because he thinks i lied I am now cheating on him. I don't know if this relationship is worth saving. :(

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