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Children "left behind"


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C'mon, you wouldn't want to leave children behind!


Does anyone understand, much less agree with this proposal?


(And Hokey, by "behind" I don't refer to anatomics.)

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That's either talk about an incredible vacation and parents feel guitly for leaving the kids at home or....


divorce... ? Getting on with your life and leaving the kids behing?



I'm sticking to a holiday here.


Don't be selfish, Nos, take the kids with you!

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I'm not familiar with the entire NCLB deal, but I personally like the sounds of it. I think it gives children a fair chance to an equally academic school. From what I gather, anyway. It's interesting to see a schools "report card".

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No child left behind, NCLB might be a uniquely American philosophy rooted in our determination that everyone has equal potential to succeed given an "even playing field."


NCLB is the latest federal effort to level the playing field literally demanding that not only will the playing field be leveled, but all sorts of "modifications," most representing great additional expense to school districts will be made to specific segments of the population.


For those unfamiliar with the American school system (Curley?), each state controls their own form of education, and, with the exception of Hawaii, the states are divided into many, mostly financially independent "districts" that vary in size with no rhyme or reason. Our constitution never mentions Education, so according to the 10th Amendment, its a "State's Right."


However, regardless of their local financial basis, each district must comply with federal regulations. The US government contributes a very small % to the funding for changes necessary to implement NCLB, Special Education Act, or any of the broad, politically motivated changes.


The question is: How realistic is it to claim "no child will be left behind?" What if one child consumes the resources of 1,000 children, or 100, or 10 lowering their success rate? Should that child be eliminated from the system they would so burden?


It is left to the local districts and the state to determine how to fund NCLB.

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How would a child consume the resources of 1,000 children, or 100, or 10 ? And as far as I'm concerned, school insures a child's education, yet it does not oblige children to succeed. They are free to pass or fail, regardless of the summ of money invested by the goverment.

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Maybe someone can correct me if I relay this incorrectly since I don't live in Jamaica...


Two years ago I went on my honeymoon to Jamaica and during one of the tours the guide was discussing the education system there. He stated that at the end of (I think 12th grade, but maybe earlier) students are given a test to see if they are at a certain level to be admitted into the university. If they are found that they do reach a specific level then they are primed for continuing their education at the university and if they are found that they don't meet the requirements then they are taught a skill of their choosing.


Now, I don't think that anyone should be stopped from continuing their education at a university simply because they don't pass a test, however the idea of giving children a opportunity to learn a skill rather than just pushing them into the world with nothing isn't doing anyone any good. In my opinion, this is why we have so may people living in poverty. Those are the children that are truly left behind. Teaching a child about science, math, home economics isn't enough. We need to give them skills to take into the work force.

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