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Should I ask him?

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So, I've gone through a lot of crap and had some bad relationships, and through it all, there's been one guy who's been with me through all of it--my best friend. I had this moment yesterday when I realized that I'm more than a little bit in love with him. I had this really bad day, and he was hanging out with some friends, but when I texted him about it, he ran (literally!) home to Skype with me and distract me. He's the guy who saves a sick kitten and takes it home even though he's allergic. The guy who texts me that he hopes I'm having a good day. I don't know why the hell I didn't notice this before, but I...want to see where this goes. He's done things where he's hinted that he'd be interested, but nothing straight out. I guess I could be reading into things. I'm just worried that, if we did become a couple and things didn't work, I'd lose him out of my life. How do I approach this?

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You only decided yesterday that you wanted to pursue a relationship with him? I think you should sit on that for a while before acting on it. Give it a month or two to see if you still feel the same way. You wouldn't want to put a friendship at risk because of a fleeting thought, or a moment of loneliness or something.

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