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Should I tell her how I feel...

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There's this girl I met a couple months back. She's really cool and we eventually started talking alot. I'm a freshman in college now and she's a junior in highschool.We talk about everything and she thinks of me as a her bestfriend. Eventually I started falling for her and can't get her out of my head. I have a feeling I'm pretty much in the friendzone, she gave me the nickname mijo (son in Spanish). I've never had a girlfriend or ever kissed a girl. And ya I told her this and she said she wants to get me a girlfriend. Well now I'm just trying to stay away...you know following stupid friendzone advice. It's kinda working cause she told me she misses me and that she wants to "kick it". She always brings up her ex even though she knows I hate him. I've been complimenting her alot lately and she seems to like it. I'm calm right now, but when I see her...she's just so beautiful, smart, funny, and I can't see her out of my life. I don't wanna see her with someone else. I told her I wanna take her out and she said ya..I'm just waiting for the moment to tell her how I really feel, I'm mustering up courage to tell her. I'm afraid if I tell her she'll push me away...

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never, ever, ever, never ever, tell a girl how you feel that you have not been dating for a little bit of time! That will thuroughly creep her out and you will lose any chance of getting with her... unless she is all lovey dovey for you too, then it may work. However, 99.9% of the time, that is not the case. If she said she would go out with you, than go out with her. See how the first date goes. Judge her body language, and maybe try to steel a kiss. If she seems open to it, then ask her for a second date and go from there. Tell her you like her, but only once, and don't go in to details, if she accepts a 3rd or 4th date. If the connection is there, then try to be her BF and from there tell her you like her. Don't drop the "L" bomb until after a few months, at least, please.... for your sake.

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Thank you, the more I realize it I'm a very impatient person. I'll wait, whenever we text we're comfortable with eachother. We're kinda shy around eachother in person and whenever someone asks if we're going out we don't reply. And when I text her that someone asked if we're going out she gets all excited. Idk I'll be patient though, thank you.

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Please, do not say ANYTHING to her about your feelings. It def sounds like you are in the friend zone with this girl. If you want any chance of breaking out of that, there are many things you must start and stop doing. Just from your post, I can tell you that you have to stop complimenting her for no reason. She prob did nothing to deserve them at the time, and among many many other things, it makes you seem disingenuous and creepy which is another reason women are attracted to jerks. Hit me up so we can talk a little. I'd be happy to tell you more things that I have learned :)


P.S.- You can greatly increase your odds, but there is no 100% way of landing any 1 specific girl. If you "love" her and she does not return those feelings, you have to realize that that is no longer "love", but obsession.

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I agree with posters. You have to be patient yet assertive. It's a delicate combo. Get her out on a couple 1 on 1 hangouts first, or dates. See what the connection is. If you drop the I like you confession right now, it's sure to bomb. Especially if she is already talking about other girls around you, like getting you a GF. A girl who is interested in you would never say that. They would want you for themselves.


So the "trick" is developing that chemistry/comfort zone where you guys are dating/spending 1 on 1 intimate time together. If she seems receptive, then you can tell her that you are feeling her, or better yet, kiss her if the moment lines up.

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I compliment her when she looks real nice or on her pictures, you're right though I shouldn't compliment her for no reason. I have been thinking whether this is actually love or just obsession. I really like her but I shouldn't let it get tho the best of me, I try not to talk to her everyday so I can breath a little. I back off and she slightly comes back to me. And I'm down to listen to your advice I'll hit u up thank you!

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Yes I'll go out with her and see what happens, she told me yesterday she wants to hang out and I told her when I'm not busy. She said I've been acting different and I told her its simply part of growing up, too make it seem like I've changed and to show her that I don't have to talk to her everyday.

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I talked to her today, I asked her for a massage and she said no, obviously she means she doesn't like touching me. I brought up her boyfriend and told her not to mention him again she said okay. I'm done, my heart is broken again, and again, and again...I don't even want to look for anyone else, screw everyone.

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