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What to expect when I get a mammogram

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I have to get a mammogram and I am super scared because I don't know what to expect. One of my aunts told me it hurts like a *beep* and another one told me it does not hurt, it's just uncomfortable. Has anyone on here had one? It sucks that I'm only 21 and I have to go get one :( . Well let me know what you know about it. Does it hurt, what is the procedure, how long does it last, etc., etc.


Thanks :)

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Your bosoms get squooshed between the xray plates so they can get pictures. It's not that bad and it doesn't take that long. Try to schedule your appointments when you aren't having crampy PMS bosoms, if that happens to you. It's really no biggie.

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No, not really. They just try to get them as flat as they can but they don't force the thing down to squish them more.

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It's just uncomfortable. I think the smaller breasts you have, the more uncomfortable it is, since they really need to stretch them out to get a good picture. I wouldn't worry about it though. It just takes a few seconds.

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had a baseline done a couple of years ago when I was 35, and to be honest, it really wasn't so bad. I didn't get "squished like a pancake" but then again, I've got more mass to work with! :p


the standing around topless while she did her job was probably the worst part, and that really wasn't even bad, it just seemed like it took forever because the tech wanted to get good shots for the doctor to review. And she was really pretty sweet about describing what they were looking for and answering any questions I had ...


pretty much, it's a harmless, non-invasive procedure. As moi suggests, be sure your breasts aren't sore from PMS or you might be sensitive to handling, but otherwise, let it all hang out, honey! It'll be over more quickly than you know, and the best part is, they're doing it to help keep you safe and healthy!

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