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what should I do.


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In a nutshell, I'm at university, and I've been hanging out with this girl who I really care about. We spoke, and I found out that she is bisexual. She says that she fancies me, but I'm concerned that if we got together - I wouldn't be able to satisfy her completely.We've broken up (from college)for the hoidays, and she lives too far away to go and see her, but she contacts me quite alot, and we'll be writing etc. I know that I could get quite emotionally envolved, and even end up in love with her, so I'm rather cautious about starting something up. I also want her to be happy - whatever she is (orientation wise). What should I do? - Do you think that she is just in a stage where she's finding out whether she is straight or lesbian? or will she always be bisexual?

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If she is bisexual now, she will likely always be bisexual, or worse, she could just go gay all the way. It is only wishful thinking that your love can make her go straight.


You need to do a lot of thinking about this, A LOT OF THINKING. But one great thing about dating a bisexual lady, I suppose, is that if she cheats it will be with a woman and maybe she would invite you in on the action.


If I were you, I would do some extensive research on the nature of bisexuality before moving any further. I will tell you I have read dozens of profiles and personal ads on America Online placed by bisexual women who have a man but who are searching for women to play with.


It's a really interesting world out there!!!

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Since she has been honest with you about her bisexuality, and you really like her, you might be able to accept it. But it takes a very secure person within himself to know that he will be sharing her with another person, even though it is a woman.


Ultimately you might start doubting your own self as you realize that you are just part of the package that makes her life complete, and that you will never be the only one in her life sexually.

If she is bisexual now, she will likely always be bisexual, or worse, she could just go gay all the way. It is only wishful thinking that your love can make her go straight. You need to do a lot of thinking about this, A LOT OF THINKING. But one great thing about dating a bisexual lady, I suppose, is that if she cheats it will be with a woman and maybe she would invite you in on the action. If I were you, I would do some extensive research on the nature of bisexuality before moving any further. I will tell you I have read dozens of profiles and personal ads on America Online placed by bisexual women who have a man but who are searching for women to play with. It's a really interesting world out there!!!


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