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New frustration emerging...

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I've made posts on here from time to time about my struggles with women. I can tell you that I've worked very hard the last few years to improve my body, my mind, my overall image, and my "game".


But I have not had any real results and I'm starting to feel like it's coming at too steep a price.


Yes I can get girls' attention now. Yes I can approach them without fear in basically any circumstance. Yes I can have a great conversation, be myself, and even get #s with the idea that we'll hang out later.


But then it dries up. They ignore my texts. I recently had one really hurt me because she kept making plans & then would ignore me during the time of the plans. When I'd try to contact her to see what was up if we were still on, she'd say I was bothering her and bugging her. It hurt because she asked for my number, she actually kissed me the night we met (a first) and she was the one who kept coming up with things we should do only to blow me off and then ridicule me.


I'm starting to wonder if I'm just not a guy women want to be with. I can meet them and be myself and make a connection and think I have something, but then they just go away. They distance themselves. I try not to text them too much, I'll send one and be ignored. Wait a day or so, send another. Wait another couple days, then another. By that time it'll be almost a week of no contact and then it's just over.


It hurts because it makes me feel like because I am very funny and witty and comfortable talking to new people and I am a great listener that when they meet me it gets them excited and they go with the flow and get caught up in the moment and give me their #. But then the next day they wake up and realize whatever it is about me that they don't like and they just cut me off.


I just don't get it. Maybe if I had more tattoos, wore more tanktops, shaved my head even though my hair is great...maybe if I talked cruder, treated them worse, possibly had a few bastard children I didn't support...maybe if I had a criminal record. I don't know.


But I'm at a point where I just feel like being quiet. Not talking. Not approaching a woman and not even looking at one if I find she's attractive. If a woman wants to approach me and is interested in me, fine. But I won't hold my breath. It hasn't happened in almost 28 years.


Any ideas?

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Cracker Jack

^Maybe that's not what you want to hear, but it doesn't make what she says any less true.


I'm sorry you're having struggles, but Flakes almost always happen. No amount of tats, criminal background, or illegitimate kids would change that. It might have something to do with how you're texting, though. Not sure. Either way, it's good that you've taken steps to better yourself, which some people don't even try to do anymore.


The last bit about not wanting to approach a woman you find attractive needs to be changed around. It's much easier to stay quiet, but all that'll do is bring you more misery. Don't give up, you're only 28.

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